Congratulations to Coach Kachelmeyer for being selected as the current recipient of the Golden Bobble Head. Coach K is dedicated to the success of the students in his class and the cheer team.
almost 2 years ago, Dewayne Patterson
If you haven't already personalized your yearbook it is time to do it. Friday the 24th is the deadline. You can still order your yearbook online until April 28th!
almost 2 years ago, BHS MULTIMEDIA
Personalize your yearbook
Coming soon to the Armory....
almost 2 years ago, Dewayne Patterson
Due to numerous scheduling conflicts, Mr. Bixby is being moved to Sunday, February 26 at 3:00 p.m. in the high school auditorium. The cost is $5. Bring extra money to vote for fan favorite. This event is for the entire community. All money goes to support the student activities Make A Wish campaign. #bhsbecomingalegacy
almost 2 years ago, Dewayne Patterson
Spartans, Do you have questions or wish to have a better understanding of school funding and finance? Have you ever wondered…how does the purchase of that new scoreboard or other athletic upgrade affect teacher pay? Why do we need another bond issue and will it impact my property taxes? How is our state aid determined? How can I help advocate for smaller class sizes? How would vouchers impact our school district's financial status? Join us for a series of panel sessions, open to our entire community, to learn the basics of Oklahoma school finance and understand how decisions at the Capitol impact our classrooms in BPS. This is also an opportunity to engage with local legislators on these important topics. Dates: 2/24: Implications of Vouchers 3/10: School Finance 101 3/24: Teacher Pay & Class Sizes Time: 9:45-10:45 AM Location: The HUB @ Bixby Metro Chamber of Commerce; 12 W Dawes, Bixby OK Space is limited so don’t wait to register:
almost 2 years ago, Bixby Public Schools
panel series
Everyone, Mr. Bixby is Friday, February 24 at 7:00 p.m. in the high school auditorium. The cost is $5 and all profits go to support the BHS Make A Wish campaign. Bring additional money to use to vote for your fan favorite.
almost 2 years ago, Dewayne Patterson
mr bixby
You can still buy a Senior Ad page for the Yearbook until March 1st!
almost 2 years ago, BHS MULTIMEDIA
Senior Ad pages
Everyone, If you are planning on attending the basketball games at Booker T Washington on Friday night, please be aware of the following: ALL STUDENTS HOME OR AWAY MUST PRESENT STUDENT ID TO ENTER THE GAME ALL MIDDLE SCHOOL AND ELEMENTARY STUDENTS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT.
almost 2 years ago, Dewayne Patterson
Please be aware that the high school will not be accepting any outside deliveries on Tuesday, February 14 (Valentine's Day). Thank you!!!
almost 2 years ago, Dewayne Patterson
Ms. Ward was selected by the leadership class to receive the Golden Bobble Head. She was selected for her dedication to her students. She is always there to help them. #bhsbecomingalegacy
almost 2 years ago, Dewayne Patterson
The traveling Strike Em Out award went to Ms. Haack. The award was passed on the her from Ms. Heard. Ms. Haack was recognized for her hard work and attitude.
almost 2 years ago, Dewayne Patterson
Order a cookie gram for a high school student for $2. The gram will consist of a chocolate chip cookie from Chick fil A and a message that reads, "Have a great day!" Cookie grams will be delivered on Valentine's Day. Cookie grams are only for high school and freshman building students. All profits will go the student activities Make A Wish campaign. Order at the link below in My School Bucks:
almost 2 years ago, Dewayne Patterson
cookie gram
Good afternoon Spartans, I apologize for the delay in getting the February Parent Newsletter out, but here it is for your viewing pleasure. This edition contains a recap of our January events as well as a look forward to the month of February. Have a great weekend!
almost 2 years ago, Bixby High School
Shop the Armory Tonight!!! Get your Spartan merchandise from 5 pm to 8 pm. The Armory is located at Bixby High School near the commons. The outside entrance will be open.
almost 2 years ago, Dewayne Patterson
Blood Drive sponsored by FCCLA
almost 2 years ago, Dewayne Patterson
IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR SENIOR PARENTS! If your student has not completed the purchase of their Cap & Gown, please click the link below which will which will take you to to complete order.
almost 2 years ago, Bixby High School
Tulsa Tech is hosting an Open House event on January 24th! Check out the link below for additional details and see the amazing programs Tulsa Tech is offering!!
about 2 years ago, Jamie Webb
Esports HS club is having try-outs for our first ever teams that will be competing this semester. If you are interested in competing in APEX, OVERWATCH 2, OR COD:MW2, come to Contender Esports after school on Thursday from 5-8 to try-out! If you would like more information or have questions, please talk to Coach Strait in room s204 or email at
about 2 years ago, Dewayne Patterson
Announcement: Students will not be allowed to be called out during a period when semester tests are being given. This is to limit the number of distractions for students testing. Thank you for your understanding.
about 2 years ago, Dewayne Patterson
Everyone, Friday, December 16 is not an early release day. Student will follow the Monday thru Thursday schedule. Thank you
about 2 years ago, Dewayne Patterson