Lots of fun and interesting things are happening in our Drone & Aviation classes!
10 days ago, Bixby High School
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These are pics from AP Envi Sci & the soil salinization lab that Mrs. Smith's classes are doing. They are sprouting sweet peas in various saline solution concentrations & in Geology they soaked sponge squares in an Epsom salt solution to model permineralization.
21 days ago, Bixby High School
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BHS will be hosting a mini college fair on Monday, Feb 24th during all 3 lunches for all 10th-12th graders.
21 days ago, Bixby High School
College Fair
Additional pics of Mrs. Jankowski's Bottleneck Sculptures
29 days ago, Bixby High School
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Mrs. Jankowski tried a new project with her sculpture students the past few weeks called Bottleneck Sculptures. The students are adding paint & finishing touches this week. They’re made out of bottles & plaster strips! They’re looking amazing & the kids are loving it!
29 days ago, Bixby High School
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We would like to remind you about our upcoming 9th - 12th Academic Advisory Night this Thursday, Feb. 6th at the High School from 6:00-8:00. We will be reviewing graduation requirements and enrollment information for the 25-26 school year. Afterwards, there will be an informal time for you to walk around and visit with our available club/activity sponsors, elective class teachers, as well as instructors that teach Honors/AP courses to answer any questions that you may have.
about 1 month ago, Bixby High School
Attention all chess enthusiasts!! Bixby is forming a chess club!! If you are interested in being a part of the club - please join us for an information meeting Mrs. Smith's class (S-211) on Tuesday, February 3 during Elevate to sign up and help write the by-laws. See you there!!
about 1 month ago, Bixby High School
It is time to begin the 2025-26 returning student registration and pre-enrollment. In preparation we will be hosting an Academic Advisory night for parents and students on Thursday, February 6th from 6:00 to 8:00. The evening will begin at 6:00 with the 9th grade forum in the 2nd floor Seminar Room and the 10th - 12th grade forum on the 3rd floor in the Community Room. High school counselors will review graduation requirements and the expectations for course selection during the enrollment process which begins February 19th for our current 10th graders and February 24th for our current 11th graders. Afterwards, there will be an informal time for you to walk around and visit with our available club/activity sponsors, elective class teachers, as well as instructors that teach Honors/AP courses to answer any questions that you may have. We look forward to this event and are excited to share our new building and student opportunities.
about 1 month ago, Bixby High School
Mrs. Brewer's AP physics 1 classes did their annual egg drop project yesterday. Mrs. Brewer changed it a little since we have great spaces to use for dropping things in the new building! It looks like it was a lot of fun!
about 1 month ago, Bixby High School
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Christmas is right around the corner, give a gift of memories like a yearbook! 🎄♥️🎁💙 If you have any questions, email us at bhsyearbook@bixbyps.org #buyaBixbyyearbook
3 months ago, Bixby High School
Buy a yearbook
Come decorate a cookie with the Be Well Club on Friday, Dec 20th during all 3 lunches!
3 months ago, Bixby High School
Cookie Decorating
Come design an ornament on Friday, Dec 6th during all 3 lunches in the Media Center! Hosted by the Be Well Club.
3 months ago, Bixby High School
Ornament Design
BHS & 9GC Spartans, Please see below for the first of three newsletter updates as we approach the grand opening of our BHS Academic Building this January! https://bixbyok.edurooms.com/engage/bhs-newsletters/newsletters/bhs-hs-update-12-2-24
3 months ago, Bixby Public Schools
Just a reminder that Stuff the Stockings with Spartan Serving Spartans deadline is this Friday, Dec 6th. 🎄Stuff the Stockings with Spartans Serving Spartans! 🎄 This holiday season, let's come together to bring joy to students in need! Help us fill stockings with special treats and gifts to make their holidays brighter. 📍 Drop off your donations at the West Principal's office (across from auditorium) 📅 Deadline: December 6 🎁 Suggested Items: Mini Lego Kits Celsius/Prime Drinks Candy Canes Beef Jerky Gum Nail Polish Claw Clips/Scrunchies Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference.
3 months ago, Bixby High School
Stuff the Stockings
🎄 Stuff the Stockings with Spartans Serving Spartans! 🎄 This holiday season, let's come together to bring joy to students in need! Help us fill stockings with special treats and gifts to make their holidays brighter. 📍 Drop off your donations at the West Principal's office (across from auditorium) 📅 Deadline: December 6 🎁 Suggested Items: Mini Lego Kits Celsius/Prime Drinks Candy Canes Beef Jerky Gum Nail Polish Claw Clips/Scrunchies Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference.
3 months ago, Bixby High School
Stuff the Stockings
'Tis the season for Spartans Serving Spartans! Our deadline has been extended to 12/6 for item drop-off/donations. We have a total of 338 kiddos to make a difference for this holiday season! Please see below for details. There are three meaningful ways you can contribute! Visit: bixbyps.info/sss to find out more! Wishing you and your loved ones a warm and wonderful holiday season!
3 months ago, Bixby Public Schools
Come make Fall Themed Diamond art Friday, 11/22 in the Media Center during all 3 lunches.
4 months ago, Bixby High School
Diamond Art
Come make a Gratitude Turkey on Friday, 11/15 during all 3 lunches in the HS Media Center!
4 months ago, Bixby High School
Bixby High School leadership students are catching a glimpse at the extraordinary future we are building together here at BPS! Student tours of the new BHS Academic Building began today! Learn Well. Live with Honor. Go Spartans! #bixbybonds
4 months ago, Bixby Public Schools
bhs tours
Congratulations to Jeree Gilman, Bixby High School Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Gilman teaches English at BHS and was presented with a trophy from Mr. Kyle Smith, Interim Principal. She was then accompanied by the the member of the English Department in attendance.
4 months ago, Dewayne Patterson