Join us in congratulating our March Life Principle award winners for showing courage! 👏🏻
We are so proud of these young Spartans! ❤️💙
Over the weekend, we came together to celebrate some of the best of the best in Bixby Public Schools!
West Elementary was thrilled to honor Mrs. Melody Lavender as site teacher of the year and Mrs. Jill Thurlby as site support staff of the year. It goes without saying but we are better because of both of them. We are so thankful for all that they do!
We also surprised Mrs. Tobi Campbell with the Porcupine Hugger Award! Mrs. Campbell was honored for her commitment to building student relationships even when it’s hard! Everyone needs a Mrs. Campbell in their life and we’re lucky she’s ours!
Thank you to these three fabulous ladies for inspiring us and helping us become better people. We love you! ❤️💙
Future Spartans, today is the day for incoming Pre-K and new to Bixby Kindergarten students! Enrollment opens at noon! See here for details: https://www.bixbyps.org/article/667515
Our wonderful BPS Enrollment Center staff are here to help if you need us!
Have you heard of a bee-bot? Our elementary students are LOVING coding with these cute robots! It is such a fun way to practice sequencing, estimation, problem-solving, and just having fun! 🐝 ❤️💙
Don’t forget tomorrow is the last day for returning student registration!
Mrs. Bray's PE students have been working on mastering their jump rope skills during PE over the last few weeks. We are beginning to see more and more students make "black belt" status (150 jumps in a row)! Ask your child to show you their jump rope skills!
![jump rope](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/2322213/large_IMG-3112.jpg)
Remember tomorrow is March 25th is National Cerebral Palsy day! The day we wear green to support our West friends!
Happy World Down Syndrome Day from West Elementary!
March 25th is National Cerebral Palsy day! Wear green to support our West friends!
Class pictures are tomorrow!
![Class pictures](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/2179346/large_Colorful_Illustrated_Camera_Day_Social_Media_Graphic.jpg)
We still have a few days left of our fundraiser! Can you help us meet our goal?
Save the date! Class pictures are next week!
![class picture](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/2179339/large_Colorful_Illustrated_Camera_Day_Social_Media_Graphic.jpg)
2nd grade is in the lead for earning a DANCE PARTY on Friday. Help us meet our goal!
![write a check](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/2236681/large_Purple_Confetti_Congratulations_Poster__1___1_.jpg)
Come work with us!!!
Congratulations to our February life principle award winners for demonstrating FRIENDSHIP! We’re so proud of this friendly group! ❤️
Don't forget our Write-A-Check campaign is still going on!
Looking towards next week! Hope our students enjoy these fun dress up days!
![dress up](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/2212258/large_Read_Across_America_February_28th_-_March_4th_Lets_have_a_Seuss-Tastical_Week_at_WEST_Monday_-_Grinch_Day__Wear_Green__Tuesday_-_Lorax_Day__Wear_Yellow_or_Orange_-Don_t_forget_your_MUSTACHE_Wednesday_-_Sleep_Book_D.jpg)
Starting tomorrow!! Help our school!
Let's have an awesome TWOsday!
The ladies of West Cafeteria are SUPER loved! We’re grateful to have all of them back today! 🥰❤️👏🏻