Learning Menus for Week 3 are uploaded. So are so inspired by the creativity and hard work of our students!
English: http://bixbyps.info/distancelearning
Spanish: http://bixbyps.info/educacionadistancia
Welcome to our Monday morning Call to Excellence! Hope everyone has a great week! https://animoto.com/play/Y1nnvnkpwDxKD1B0gEzh4A
Just a reminder to visit http://bixbyps.info/distancelearning (English) / http://bixbyps.info/educacionadistancia (Spanish) for helpful documents and links including weekly learning menus.
Here is a heartfelt message to all our amazing BNI students! https://animoto.com/play/Vy55VuKxjPO592ETjI7UsA
Due to the high probability of rain tomorrow, the 5th Grade Track & Field day has been postponed to March 25th. So all students will continue with regular class schedules tomorrow. Thank you!
Do you have a student-athlete who will be participating in BPS school sports in 2020-2021? Physicals are required for them to begin participation!
Visit here for information on BPS All-Athlete Physicals Night: https://www.bixbyspartanathletics.com/physicals
Need a reminder? RSVP to our FB Event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1104628776596522/
Last call for BPS Food Drive items benefitting Bixby Outreach Center! BOC will be picking up these items from all school sites on Monday morning! Thank you, Spartans, for all of your generous contributions!
B-I-X-B-Y! Spartans, let's see that school spirit tomorrow with a social media post in BIXBY RED & BLUE! Snap a pic in front of your school, with your kiddo, etc. Of course, hashtag it! #psw2020 #publicschoolproud
Next week (March 2-6), BNI will be celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday and Read Across America Week! Students will be invited to celebrate with dress up days! Please see attached for the dress up days. Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!
Spartans, join Bridge the Gap for this year’s 2020 Sparta Gala! Tickets will only be available until March 15th or until sold out!! Last year’s event sold out quickly, so don’t delay if you'd like to attend!!! www.bidpal.net/SpartaGala2020
What do you love about Bixby Public Schools? Let's hear it! #psw2020 #publicschoolproud
Looking for wonderful summer activities for your kiddo? Check out all that the Bixby Community Center has to offer! Click here for flyer: https://share.peachjar.com/flyers/952482/districts/14705
Let’s see those quotes, Spartans. #publicschoolproud #wechoosepublicschool
Let's turn Bixby RED for ED tomorrow in honor of Public Schools Week 2020!! We look forward to seeing all of our Spartans in their brightest BIXBY RED! Share your selfies with us on social media using the hashtags #PublicSchoolProud, #RedforEd, #OklaEd!
The Spring Book Fair starts tomorrow! Feb 24-28!! Come see all the exciting books and opportunities for prizes!
Color Run donations has been extended to this Friday, Feb 21st, and students will still be eligible for all prizes. Checks should be made payable to BNI PTO or you can also go to the following link: https://squareup.com/store/bnicolorun. Funds benefit the BNI playground!
Our number of the week is 1,905, the exact number of students who have completed their 2020-2021 returning student registration! Have you?! This needs to be completed by March 6th! Check your e-mail for details and please contact our enrollment office with any questions!
Student Council has been working with 4th and 5th grade classes during Flex on STEM activities as demonstrated today with "Break the Ice." So fun to watch students teaching and learning together!
The long-standing partnership between BPS and the BOC has impacted countless families! BOC is launching a new program this spring...Break Boxes! These boxes will feed entire families over school breaks as we combat food insecurity together! BPS will be hosting a DISTRICT-WIDE food drive 2/18-3/6 to help in this effort! See below for collection info by school site!
The celebration of our counselors continues! We even needed an extra day to cram in all of their awesomeness! Wasn't there a famous song about LOVE and 8 days a week?! Please join us as we show some of that love to our NI counselors and keep an eye out for our LAST post later this evening as we conclude this wonderful week of recognition. #nationalcounselorsweek