Don't miss Bixby Buddy Baseball THIS Sunday at 3PM, HS Baseball Field! It's easily our favorite event of the Fall! Join us to cheer on our BNI participants and alumni!
PTO Book Swap Info!
Not crazy about your Fall Portrait?! Absent on picture day?! No worries! Fall Portrait Retakes are tomorrow, Thursday, October 25th!
Cookie Dough/Fundraiser Pick-Up is TODAY! 1PM-5:30PM! Pick up area is in the atrium.
Happy Fall Break! No school tomorrow 10/18 or Friday 10/19! Wishing for a safe and restful few days for all of our BNI Families & Staff! We will see you back at school on Monday 10/22!
Thank you to our Bixby Firemen and our BNI Parent Volunteers for making our first Reading Celebration of the year a wonderful one! We couldn't do it without you all!
Our Fall Book Fair is officially CLOSED! We would like to thank everyone for supporting our school during this past week! We greatly appreciate our wonderful BNI families, amazing volunteers, and our wonderful Mrs. Graham for putting on an incredible Fall Book Fair!
Shout out to these two amazing ladies. They are the selfless, fearless, tireless leaders of our BNI Family! We are so grateful for their love for kids, their support for teachers and their encouragement of our crazy ideas, confetti cannons included! #nationalbossesday
Join us in our Week of Service dedicated to United Way and Bixby Outreach Center beginning Monday 10/22!
Mon: Bedlam Day; Fill the jars w/ spare change
Wed: Bixby Spirit Day; Buy $2 #whyimatter Bracelets
Thurs: Camo Day: Purchase Duck Tape Strips for Mystery Teacher Taping
Today is the last day to shop at Fall Book Fair! Book Fair will open all day and tonight during parent conferences as well, 4:30PM-7:00PM. Thank you to Mrs. Graham and to all who have been shopping and volunteering, making our Fall Book Fair a huge success!
Fall Break Thursday Oct. 18th - Friday Oct. 19th.
BNI Spirit Night at Bixby High School football game tonight! Wear a Bixby shirt and receive a coupon for a free Chick-fil-A Kids Meal at the Chick-fil-A tent. Ms. Ward will also be there to take your pictures:)
Book Fair will be closing at 2PM today!
Book Fair Opens TOMORROW! Purchases can be made via cash or check payable to Bixby Public Schools or Bixby North Intermediate and filled out completely.
Shopping Day By Reading Teacher:
Friday 10/12: Jernegan, Kidd
Monday 10/15: Wertz, Storey, Estes
Tuesday 10/16: Ward, Roberts
Donuts for Dad! Friday, October 12th 7:50 a.m. to 8:20 a.m. and information about our Project Dad program will follow.
Tomorrow, 10/10 is a Freckle's Order Day! $2 cash only! Place orders in homeroom by 9AM!
Progress Reports distributed today!
Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up on Oct. 11th and Oct. 16th. Please call or email your teacher to set up a time.
October Lunch Menu:
Fall Portrait Day is tomorrow, Tuesday, September 25th! Retakes will be October 25th.