Tomorrow, 2/6 is a Freckle's Order Day! $2 cash only! Place orders in homeroom by 9AM!
almost 6 years ago, Bixby North Intermediate
Life is a roller is Mrs. Swaim's flex group! Her students have been hard at work planning amusement parks, meeting quite the list of criteria and creating a masterpiece of fun all while applying their map skills including: scale, compass, key, labels, etc.
almost 6 years ago, Bixby North Intermediate
Roller Coaster Flex
Congratulations to Anthony and Bella! They placed second and runner up in the Native Crossroads Film Festival in Norman, Oklahoma! Their artwork will be on display at the University and used in the catalog promoting the event! Shout out to Mr. Randall as well! :)
almost 6 years ago, Bixby North Intermediate
Art Contest
Shout out to our BNI PTO!! Our teacher grant funds are hard at work all over the building! Mrs. Wertz's & Mrs. Lynch's classes are loving their new privacy folders!
almost 6 years ago, Bixby North Intermediate
PTO Grant Funds at Work
Special Olympics Penny Drive starts next week: 2/4-2/8! Send in that spare change! Checks can be made payable to "Bixby Special Athletes." See flyer here:
almost 6 years ago, Bixby North Intermediate
Penny Drive
February Lunch Menu:
almost 6 years ago, Bixby North Intermediate
Today is the day! It's Chick-fil-a Spirit Night for BNI!
almost 6 years ago, Bixby North Intermediate
Tomorrow, Tuesday 1/29 is Chick-fil-a Spirit Night for BNI! Go enjoy some Chick-fil-a and support our PTO as well!
almost 6 years ago, Bixby North Intermediate
CFA Night
Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night next Tuesday, January 29th!
almost 6 years ago, Linda Ricks
Don't forget to join us for the 4th Annual Legislative Advocacy Night! Don't miss out on this opportunity to share your concerns with elected officials! All Bixby Reps will be there!
almost 6 years ago, Bixby North Intermediate
Leg. Night
NO SCHOOL tomorrow, Monday 1/21, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! Wishing everyone a safe, long weekend!
almost 6 years ago, Bixby North Intermediate
Great resource here for any parents wishing to keep in contact with our legislative reps! Easy copy/paste when e-mails are necessary! Phone numbers are listed as well!
almost 6 years ago, Bixby North Intermediate
Tomorrow, Thursday 1/17 is PTO Spirit Night at Cane's! Stop by for for bite and support our BNI PTO!
almost 6 years ago, Bixby North Intermediate
If you have not ordered your child's BNI Yearbook, do so by 2/22 in order to grab one at the lowest price!
almost 6 years ago, Bixby North Intermediate
No School - Monday, January 21st
almost 6 years ago, Linda Ricks
Happy School Board Appreciation Week and a BIG BNI shout out to our Bixby Board of Education for their dedication to BPS! We appreciate all you do to help make BPS the best we can be! For more information on the Bixby BOE click here:
almost 6 years ago, Bixby North Intermediate
BOE Love
Access our new flyer platform, Peach Jar, easily from our BNI Homepage! We are saving lots of trees! #gogreen
about 6 years ago, Bixby North Intermediate
Peach Jar
Report Cards are coming home today, 1/11!
about 6 years ago, Bixby North Intermediate
Report Cards
Don't forget, today is an Early Release Friday! Students will be dismissed at 2:45PM! :) Have a great weekend!
about 6 years ago, Bixby North Intermediate
Early Release
BNI Class/Group Pictures are tomorrow, 1/10! See below for details!
about 6 years ago, Bixby North Intermediate
Group Pics