More family fun at BINGO!
Fabulous BINGO night! Thank you PTO!
Grateful to BEEF for their ongoing support of students and teachers as they presented grants at BNI!
Thank you to all our Veterans! We are so grateful to your service and honored to celebrate you today!
6th Grade Science classes from Ms. Balthis and Mr. Hopp are engaged in learning from each other as each group was assigned an experiment to learn and master so they could teach each other's classes about how energy is transferred. The students did a fantastic job!
Ms. Wertzś 4th grade class learned from each other today as they shared their Bottle Biographies and enjoyed a special lunch time playing chess!
A great big shout out to our amazing PTO for organizing a very successful Book Swap today! It was so fun to watch our kids shop for themselves and friends.... sharing the love of reading:)
Calling all 4th graders! Did you know that YOU and YOUR FAMILY & FRIENDS can access millions of acres of national parks, historic structures, cultural artifacts, ancient forests, snow-capped mountains, and clear blue lakes FOR FREE!? You can get your year-long Every Kid in a Park pass at, the official website where parents, educators, and kids can learn more.
Fundraiser items will be available for pick-up Friday 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm in the front atrium. Students with 3 or less items will bring items home with them. If you are unable to pick up during these times, please call 918-366-2671. Thank you PTO & Project Dads for your help!!
We’re off to celebrate our 2019-2020 Educators of the Year! Stay tuned for more this afternoon!
Intermediate students from across BPS and neighboring districts are collaborating at CI today for the Leader Like Me Workshop. This next generation of leaders gives us so much hope for the future and we love to see them in action with their peers!
From the hidden meaning of emojis, to dangerous apps, to the tools parents need to keep their kids safe, Jason Weis touched on it all at yesterday's parent night! See here for the handout, resources, & more info!
Spartans, the final community forum related to our strategic planning process is TONIGHT at CI, 3:30 PM for staff, 6:00 PM for community members. Join us for our conversation about the future of BPS! See here for more information & to access our survey:
Don't forget: BPS is hosting an event tomorrow night parents won't want to miss! If your child has electronic devices, you need to hear the safety information, tips & tools from Jason Weis! 6:30 PM at Multipurpose! RSVP:
The 5th Annual Not Your Mama’s Craft Show has been CHANGED to this SUNDAY, October 27th! Come and see lots of amazing vendors & Route 66 Fry Bread Food Truck with delicious, made-from-scratch lunch items!! It will be a beautiful day to raise money for Bixby Schools' Libraries!
Red Ribbon Week begins next week!
Just a reminder that Fall picture retakes are tomorrow, 10/24.
Spartan Community: We need your VOTES to help us grab the Game of the Week spot for November 8th on Cox's Channel 3! You can cast your vote here as many times as you'd like:
Students experience learning firsthand and having so much fun! Ms. Swaim's class worked so hard on creating their Jamestown projects, and did a fantastic job presenting them to their classes!
And Ms. Lytle's class got to visit the Bixby Police Station and visit with our own SRO, Officer Toney:)
And student's are using their imagination and creativity with the STEAM stations in our Media Center that Ms. Graham has established for all our students.
Hmmmm.... who is going to have to kiss the pig??