January 7, 2019
After our recent Power School update, we have a new address for parents to log onto Power School. http://bixbyps.powerschool.com/public
October 26, 2018
To say Thank You and celebrate National Bus Saftey Week, BMS NJHS hosted a brunch for our district’s bus drivers and transportation staff. BMS NJHS officers and sponsor Mrs. Lawso...
October 24, 2018
7th grade Math students let their imaginations fly and transformed pumpkins into pineapples, carriages, gumball machines, donuts, ducks, and more. Ms. Girard asked her students t...
October 22, 2018
BMS 2018 Veterans Day Program BMS would like to invite our student's family members who are or have served with our Nation's military to attend and be honored at our 2018-201...
October 2, 2018
BMS will be hosting Parent / Teacher Conferences on Thursday, 2/21 and Tuesday, 2/26. Conferences will begin both days at 4:30pm in 30 minute blocks with the last conference star...
September 28, 2018
BMS has kicked off our Fall Pop-Tab drive to collect pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House of Tulsa. Students can bring the tabs to school and add them to our tab jar in our caf...
September 25, 2018
BMS would like to recognize the winners of our International Talk Like a Pirate Day poster contest. A big thank you to our BMS Stuco group for putting this together. Pictured fr...
September 11, 2018
Good evening Spartan Middle School Families this is Rowland Vernon with some information from our Parent Teacher Organization. Every year our PTO’s “Write a Check” campaign suppo...
August 24, 2018
Keep Oklahoma Beautiful : Engaging 7th and 8th grade students to understand the importance of ending litter
August 23, 2018
A big Thank You to the members of Bixby's Boy Scout Troop 117 and Pack 142 for coming out and performing a ceremony to retire our site's State and National Flags. Logan Jones, 1s...
August 22, 2018
https://drive.google.com/file/... BMS Open House Schedule
August 10, 2018
We are very excited for the upcoming 2018-2019 school year. Our BMS staff are ready and look forward to meeting all of our new and returning families. See you soon.
August 10, 2018
Parents are invited to come follow your student's BMS school schedule on Thursday 8/23 starting @ 6:30. Parents will meet their student's teachers by walking their schedule.
August 2, 2018
Please consider joining BMS PTO. Applications will be available during schedule pick-up on 8/9 and 8/10
July 31, 2018
Total Wellness @ BMS for student vaccinations Friday, August 10th from 4-6
July 30, 2018
Parents and students with the Last names A - M can pick up their 2018-2019 school schedules on Thursday 8/9 , 8-11 and 4-6 at Bixby Middle School. Parents and students with the L...
July 30, 2018
Parents and students with the Last names A - M can pick up their 2018-2019 school schedules on Thursday 8/9 , 8-11 and 4-6 at Bixby Middle School.