#ThankyouThursday at CE we are so thankful for kind friends helping one another get to class.
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Kindness matters!
#WhatsupWednesday at CE it's magic carpet time. Mrs. Stamm, Bain, Morie and K. Lanes classes are all ears as they learn from the carpet today.
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Mrs. K Lanes class in music
Mrs. Mories Class with Ms. Jantz
Mrs. Bains Class
Mrs. Stamms class in art
Sign up for your 2023-24 yearbook!
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
2023-24 yearbooks
#TalkaboutTuesday... At CE, we are talking about our terrific star students who won this months award for showing Excellence. Congratulations to Bear, Sadie, Parsa, Easton and Theo
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Star students for Excellence
CE had a successful day distance learning with Mrs. Popp and Mrs. Ivey engaging their classes! Shout out to all our teachers and staff who put so much hard work and effort into teaching our little friends even when we can't make it to school.
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Mrs. Popp's class
Mrs. Ivey's Class
#TeamworkTuesday... In Mrs. Lacy's Kinder class, friends are working together on Bee Bots.
8 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Mrs. Lacy's Class
Bee Bot Fun
Mrs. Lacy's Class
#MeetusMonday... Today at CE we feature our Pre-K teacher Mrs. Martin.
8 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Mrs. Martin
#FridayFeels at CE... We are all feels about New Years resolutions. 1st and 2nd graders put a lot of thought into the wonderful changes they want to make for 2024!
8 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
I will not fight.
I will help my mom do dishes.
Keep my room clean.
I will be on time.
I will be good to my sister.
Spend more time with my dog.
I want to be better to my friends.
Don't forget.... Friday Jan. 12 is an early release day.
8 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Early Release Friday
#ThankyouThursday... at CE we are thankful for the 9th grade Leadership Team for coming over every week and spending some time on the playground with the 2nd and 3rd graders.
8 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
9th grade Leadership
Playground fun
#WhatsupWednesday at CE. it's all about Awards and Applications. Spencer applied for a new desk pet and got approved and Reese received a reading award with the Bookit Program
8 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
#TeamworkTuesday at CE, it is all hands on deck for morning announcements. Mrs. Watson had help from Audrey who used ASL to assist her class.
8 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Audrey from Mrs. Engles Class
Do you have a future Spartan entering Pre-K or Kindergarten in August?! Enrollment opens on Monday, January 22nd for all incoming Pre-K and new to Bixby Kinder students! See here for details: https://www.bixbyps.org/article/1399629
8 months ago, Bixby Public Schools
#MeetusMonday at CE we feature Pre-K teacher Mrs. Eccles!!
8 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Mrs. Eccles
Enjoy your Winter Break, we will see you back on Jan. 8th.
9 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Winter Break
#WhatsupWednesday at CE.. Santa made a stop by the office this morning and brought some packages. Mrs. Beach brought her class up to get theirs.
9 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Mrs. Beach and her friends
#TeamworkTuesday at CE, we head down to Pre-K where Mrs. Ivey and Mrs. Bains class are participating in Reading Buddies.
9 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Reading Buddies
Lydia and Madisyn
Ava and friend
Wyatt and Jade
McKenna and friend
Whitley and friend
Sam and Advaith
It's color war time, are you team red or green?
9 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Color wars Dec. 19th
Wed. Dec. 20th wear your comfy PJ's.
9 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
PJ Day
#MeetusMonday at CE features our Title I reading teacher Jenaan Suleiman.
9 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Mrs. Suleiman