#TeamworkTuesday at CE in Ms. Long's class, not only are they reading "The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza" the class went one step further to make home made dough and their own pizza to share as a class!
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Parents- Please remember to send those permission slips in for the 3rd grade field trip to hear the Tulsa Symphony Orchestra.
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
3rd grade field trip
#MeetusMonday at CE we are featuring our Pre-K teacher Mrs. Beavers
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Mrs. Beavers
Pre-K was right! Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow this morning so you know what that means....... EARLY SPRING!!!
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Pre-K Groundhog day predictions
Groundhog Day
If you are BEST certified and want to come have a lot of fun on the playground with some amazing friends, let us know.
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Playground Volunteers needed
#FridayFeels at CE, Mrs. Covey's class is using the strategy of the month to do honeycomb harvests with their vocabulary words.
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Mrs. Covey's class
Aniston, Emma, Levi and Evie
Raymond, Gio, Gannon and Kai
Dillon, Leilani and Denver
Get those bingo dobbers out! It's Bingo time. Please join us for our annual PTO Bingo night..
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
PTO Bingo
Parents... don't forget Friday Feb 2nd. is an early release day.
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Early Release Friday
CE Valentine's Day Party schedule
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Save the date
100th day of school & Global Play Day!
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Let's Celebrate!!
#ThankyouThursday at CE and we are thankful for our art teacher Mrs. McDonald-Keeton for showing our friends how to weave.
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Art Class
Weaving in art class
#WhatsupWednesday at CE in Mrs. Graves class, when it is to rainy and wet to go outside, her friends desk drum!
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Kaylani, Harper and Everly
Mrs Graves Class
You want ketchup with those fries? 3rd grader Rosalyn who helps with Pre-K lunches dishes up ketchup with a smile!!!
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
A BIG shout out to our amazing PTO! The kids are going to have a blast with the new basketball goal!!!
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
New Basketball goal!
#TeamworkTuesday at CE and the Wonder Twins (Mrs. Flowers and Mrs. Haynes) have been rocking the car line!
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Tackling car line
Wonder Twins Activate!!
#MeetusMonday at CE we are featuring our Pre-K teacher, Mrs. Leete
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Mrs. Leete
#FridayFeels at CE and Mrs. Beavers pre-k class is learning how to hibernate like bears!
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Waking up after hibernating
Sleepy bears
Hibernating bears
Mrs. Beavers Class
Join us for Flamingo Bingo on Feb. 9th
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Bingo TIme
Parents....Don't forget January 26th is an early release day. Students get out at 1:55
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Early Release Friday
Save those pennies for the Special Olympic Penny drive.
7 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Penny Drive