When a Make a Wish recipient gifted their wish to Webster HS, Bixby Spartan Baseball stepped up alongside the Make a Wish Foundation to help make it happen! Our boys helped lay the floor today in a new weight room their fellow athletes will enjoy for years to come!
over 5 years ago, Bixby Public Schools
Make a Wish at Webster
We appreciate the community's positive response to the "Love Our Schools" event this Sat. Due to scheduling conflicts, we are postponing the event for secondary sites (MS, 9GC, and HS) until a later date. Elem/Inter sites are still on schedule. Schools will share addt info.
over 5 years ago, Rob Miller
Reminder: The Oklahoma Caring Van will be providing an opportunity for free immunizations for children of all ages TOMORROW from 4PM-6PM at BMS! See flyer for more details and access the required paperwork on Peach Jar. https://share.peachjar.com/flyers/776956/schools/149908
over 5 years ago, Bixby Public Schools
Caring Van
In order to pick up a Chromebook tomorrow without a wait, we need all paperwork turned in today by 3. Bring to 9GC office or HS library, or you may fill out online at myschoolbucks.com. If you fill out online, you do not need to bring in the paper copies. https://5il.co/99jv
over 5 years ago, Cheryl Wilkinson
Two weeks until school starts! Also, ICYMI: see here for an important school policy update: http://bit.ly/6128update Dates & Events: http://bit.ly/welcomebackbps Transportation: http://bit.ly/bpsbusroutes Supplies: http://bit.ly/bpssupplies Volunteer: http://bit.ly/bixbylove
over 5 years ago, Bixby Public Schools
2 Weeks
2019-2020 Tulsa Tech Bus Schedule Now Available Here: https://5il.co/99fv
over 5 years ago, Bixby Public Schools
Tulsa Tech
The Oklahoma Caring Van will be providing an opportunity for free immunizations for children of all ages on August 9th at BMS! See flyer for more details and access the link to required paperwork below. https://share.peachjar.com/flyers/776956/schools/149908
over 5 years ago, Bixby Public Schools
Caring Van
Border Brawl Press Conference, Mansfield, TX
over 5 years ago, Bixby Athletics
Coach Monty at Border Brawl Press Conference
Border Brawl Press Conference
over 5 years ago, Bixby Athletics
Teammates and Friends in Mansfield , TX
Spartan Parents! You don't want to miss Dr. Marcia Tate! Mark your calendar for Tuesday, August 13th at 6:30PM! Learn more here: http://www.bixbyps.org/article/122793?org=bixby-public-schools
over 5 years ago, Bixby Public Schools
Marcia Tate
We have just 3 short weeks until school starts! See here for all things Back to School 2019: http://bit.ly/welcomebackbps! 2019-2020 bus routes are now available: http://bit.ly/bpsbusroutes. Our Tulsa Tech schedule and shuttle information is coming your way soon as well!
over 5 years ago, Bixby Public Schools
3 Weeks!
BPS invites our entire Spartan community to join us as we ready our schools for our best year yet! We Love Our Schools Work Day will be Saturday, August 10th, 9 AM-12 PM. See here for more information: http://www.bixbyps.org/article/122229?org=bixby-public-schools
over 5 years ago, Jessica Jernegan
We Love Our Schools
Hi there, Spartans! We are looking forward to the 2019-2020 school year! Please see here: http://bit.ly/welcomebackbps for all things Back to School 2019!
over 5 years ago, Bixby Public Schools
A little healthy competition never hurts! Team building via bowling and escape rooms today and we are off and running toward the 19-20 school year!
over 5 years ago, Bixby Public Schools
Spartan Admin Retreat. A great start to a fantastic year!
over 5 years ago, Sherri McMillan
Admin team
Bixby Admin Team is hard at work today at our annual admin retreat! We are excited for another school year and can’t wait to see our students in a few short weeks.
over 5 years ago, Bixby Public Schools
Admin retreat
Bixby students participated in a panel at EngageOK yesterday. The thoughts they shared were enlightening! We are very proud of the way the represented us! https://www.tulsaworld.com/news/local/education/students-share-what-they-wish-their-teachers-knew-during-state/article_98f36c4b-e4b2-5b02-b16c-04e9415aed34.html
over 5 years ago, Bixby Public Schools
High School Chromebook Information! New Students (9th Graders and 10th-12th Grade Transfer Students) Access info- https://5il.co/8tvr Returning Students (10th-12th Graders) Access info- https://5il.co/8tvq For more information, visit the 1:1 Instructional Initiative page on the BPS website or email Cheryl Wilkinson at cwilkinson@bixbyps.org.
over 5 years ago, Cheryl Wilkinson
2019-2020 Chromebook Info-  All High School Students
BHS is abuzz today as we host #EngageOK. Once again, our students are shining! Our MS choir, JROTC, & Band did a wonderful job! #oklaed
over 5 years ago, Jessica Jernegan
BPS would like to welcome Mrs. Janice Rogers as our new Director of Special Education! Welcome Janice, we're so glad you're a SPARTAN now! #hired
over 5 years ago, Bixby Public Schools