Hello East Families,
Please take a moment and check out our East News for the Benavides Buzz, Counselor’s Corner, character traits, and upcoming events. This month is loaded with activities on our campus such as picture day, homecoming week, and the scholastic book fair! I need to reiterate the arrival and dismissal procedures to ensure the safety of our students and staff as well as the efficiency of car line procedures. Please take a moment to review the traffic flow map found here.
All cars entering campus should only utilize the turn lanes to gain access to the campus, allowing both east and westbound lanes to remain open for all other traffic. When in the turn lane, it is imperative that the exits are not blocked to allow traffic to continually flow out which will allow more cars on campus. Taking the left exit lane will increase the ability to get out of the school traffic quickly.
I would like to draw your attention to the lane switch that occurs on the intermediate side, allowing all elementary traffic to merge into the inside lane. The outside lane is an exit only lane. We will be adding traffic cones to help separate the exit lane from the elementary lane and decrease congestion/back up due to those attempting to go around traffic and merging back into the elementary lane.
Morning drop off procedures: Please do not release students from your vehicle until 7:40 when staff is on duty to ensure that all students are safely supervised and accounted for. Staff will assist students in unloading vehicles to keep the traffic flowing and ensure safety. All students will need to exit the right side of the vehicle onto the sidewalk. Parents are not allowed to walk up to the drop off line with their child. Any child that needs to be escorted by a parent needs to go to the main office.
Afternoon pick up procedures: All patrons picking up a student must have the new car rider tag for this school year. If a patron does not have a tag, they will be directed to park and will need to go to the office so that they may provide identification to pick up their student. Due to the early dismissal of Pre-K students, all Kindergarten and First grade traffic will not pull forward until 2:25.
All elementary traffic should stay on the inside lane all the way through the pick up line. It is crucial that the Kindergarten, and First grade traffic remain in the inside lane unless directed by staff to ensure that the pick up lines run effectively and intermediate traffic is able to exit. There will be staff to ensure the exit lane is clear, any patrons blocking the lane will be directed to exit and can re-enter the car line on 131st.
Early Release Fridays: Pre-K students will dismiss at 1:45. All Kindergarten and First grade traffic will not pull forward until 2:00. You can find the designated stop for Kindergarten and First grade traffic on the map and a large a-frame at the location. Any delayed Pre-K pick up resumes with the Kindergarten and First Traffic.
Lastly, I ask that all patrons remain inside their vehicle at all times. Please minimize the usage of cell phones during arrival and dismissal so that all drivers are alert and aware of students and staff crossing traffic. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation to ensure the safety and efficiency of our arrival and dismissal procedures.
Principal Benavides