West Intermediate Families,

Due to circumstances related to COVID-19 cases in the Bixby community and the subsequent impact relative to staff shortages, Bixby West Intermediate grades five and six will participate in Brick to Click on Monday 1/10 followed by distance learning beginning Tuesday 1/11. All other grades will remain in-person.

At this time, we are awaiting testing results from several staff members. We anticipate 5th and 6th grade students will return to in-person instruction on Tuesday 1/18. However, we will continue to monitor conditions closely and keep you apprised of any updates to this schedule.

At this time, all 5th and 6th grade families should:

  • Keep an eye out for further communications from both Mrs. Shaw and their classroom teachers.

  • Review the Distance Learning Guide and daily schedule for their student’s grade level. Those guides can be accessed here:

  • Review the options/locations for free wi-fi access throughout our community if needed.

  • Remember, all things Technology Support at BPS can be accessed here.

  • Prepare a plan for childcare if needed.

Students approved for a district-provided Chromebook for distance learning will be able to pick those up on Monday 1/10. Families who will need a distinct-provided device can review that process here. Mrs. Shaw will  follow up shortly with more details relative to the pick up schedule.

Other details:

  • Meals: families who wish to take advantage of our free breakfast and lunch service can pick up meals at the back loop (north side) near the cafeteria from 8:45 to 10:15 AM each day during this period. 

  • Student medications: medications held in the school nurse's office may be picked up by the parent or guardian if needed. Please call the school during regular school hours to make arrangements. A picture ID will be required to pick up medication.

Your child’s teacher will be sending a follow-up email with details on distance learning schedule, etc.

Please let us know if you have other questions.

Rob Miller
