Spartan Nature Center

The Spartan Nature Center Outdoor Classroom, which will be housed on the West Campus, is taking shape! The dirt work has begun, and the trails will soon be covered! We are so excited to see this project begin to take shape, and our students cannot wait to be able to use the space for outdoor learning! For those not aware, Dr. Stick, on of our fifth grade science teachers, is spearheading the project and we'd love for YOU and your family to get involved. In order to keep costs down and allow our West Community to take ownership of this project, we are having a work day for those who have the time, the gifts, and the willingness to help! The kids are welcome too! Just dress for the woods and all the critters that go with it! 

We have four work days scheduled for this project, where we will be laying the crushed granite on the trail after first installing the edging. There is also some clearing yet to be finished. The work days are: 

Saturday, Oct. 16 – 10 am to 2 pm

Sunday, Oct. 17 - 1 to 4 pm

 Saturday, Oct. 23 – 10 am to 2 pm

Sunday, Oct. 24 -  1 to 4 pm

Please bring equipment such as hammers, mallets, rakes, shovels to install edging for the trails.  Bring chainsaws, limb shears, bow saws for pruning.  We could also use wheelbarrows, and an ATV and trailer to haul off limbs. A tractor with a box blade and loader on the front is also needed.  If you are interested in helping and would like any information regarding the project, please contact Dr. Stick at Thank you for your support!!