Back to School

Hello WI Families! Welcome back to another school year! We are so excited to get started!! There were some requests for information by parents, so we wanted to make sure we share the necessities for a successful first few days! 

  • A request was made for us to put a map of the school online. For the safety of our school and our students, we can't post the map online, but we will be happy to make them available once visitors can return to the building.
  • Drop off for students is 7:40. The doors open at that time. Students who would like to eat breakfast will go to the cafeteria, and all others will go to their classrooms. School starts at 8:00. 
  • Release time is 3:05 daily, except for early release Fridays when release is 2:05. 
  • Third grade students from the elementary who have older siblings at the Intermediate, will walk over to us at the end of the day and release with their siblings on the Intermediate side.
  • Intermediate students who have siblings younger than third grade will walk to the Elementary and release with their younger siblings, so you'll pick them up in the elementary pick up loop.
  • If you have both intermediate and elementary children, and you are confused by where to pick up, just contact either office and we can direct you.
  • If you change the way your child goes home each day, please contact our office.
  • Parents can bring lunch for their student (on birthdays or special occasions) and leave it in the office. Parents cannot eat in the cafe with students at this time because of Covid. 
  • We are still working on lockers. Fourth grade may not use them this year simply because we have substantially more students enrolled, and we may not have enough lockers. Your child's teacher will be communicating this on the first day. Don't worry - they will have a plan.

Please don't worry about your child navigating their way into the building. All of the teachers and staff will be present and on duty to assist the kids. No one will get lost. For our fourth graders, they are all new to this side of the building, and they all feel the same nervousness and angst. We understand that, and we promise to take care of them. Before you know it, they'll be pros at navigating the building! 

We definitely realize that because you as parents cannot come into the building and meet the teacher face to face, you may be feeling anxious. However, please know that we are all accessible to you, and in most cases, at any time during the day. So don't hesitate to reach out if needed! I am typically always accessible, even in the evening, so just send me an email if you have questions. Kids in intermediate quickly become pretty independent, and they manage all of this much better than many adults for sure! We're so happy to have your kids here, and they will be greeted with love and caring as they enter into this new year. And I say this with all the love in my heart, but just go ahead and cut that cord, because at this age, the kiddos begin to thrive and grow into independent little humans, and they are ready to start spreading their wings! (Again, this is typically much harder on us as parents than it is on them!)

We're here for you and here for your kids, so never hesitate to contact us. We're always happy to help! And it's ALWAYS a GREAT day to be a SPARTAN! 

See you soon!

Mrs. Shaw, Principal