

Here are some important updates for this week at WI:

  • Picture retakes are tomorrow! If you'd like for your child to have retakes, have them dressed and ready!
  • The cafeteria is now offering ala carte to the kids at lunch time. For them to purchase items, they need to have a positive balance on their My School Bucks account. If you need information regarding their account, you can email our lunch clerk at afitzpatrick@bixbyps.org.
  • Don't forget to keep saving those BoxTops!! You can either scan your receipt on the BoxTops app, or you can send the actual BoxTops to school with your child. We have a box for them in the office. The deadline is fast approaching so please keep saving!!
  • Our virtual book fair is ongoing until October 18th. In order for our school to get credit for your purchase, you must sign in. The link for purchase is https://www.scholastic.com/bf/bixbywestschools . Thank you for your purchases!!
  • Fall Break is this week! Students are out Thursday, Friday, and next Monday (10/15 - 10/19). Classes resume 10/20. 

Although this year is anything but normal, we truly appreciate your ongoing support. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please be sure to reach out. Stay safe and enjoy the break, and remember it's always a GREAT day to be a Spartan!!