Hello Parents!
As we begin back to school in a few days, I wanted to make sure you are aware of a change in our dismissal system. We are implementing the SmartDISMISSAL software program for after school dismissal. Our traffic flow IS NOT CHANGING!!! If you are new to the North Campuses, please review traffic flow procedures here. If you did not pick up your child's transportation tag today, you will still have the opportunity to do so tomorrow, August 13 (1-3 PM). ALL STUDENTS MUST PICK UP THEIR TRANSPORTATION TAGS PRIOR TO DISMISSAL ON THE FIRST DAY. With the implementation of this new program, all students transportation numbers have changed from previous years. Please make every effort to pick up the tag tomorrow. Thank you!
When you pick up your child's transportation tag, you will be receiving (2) Hang Tags and (3) backpack tags for your family to use that indicates your assigned Family ID number. Please have these hang tags always displayed from your rearview mirror during dismissal and provide a hang tag to those authorized persons who regularly pick up your students. *Your Hang Tags have ALREADY been registered - so disregard the registration instructions on the back of your tag. Backpack tags will need to be placed on student backpacks for the first day of school. Additional hang tags are available for a small fee and can be inquired about by contacting your child's school office.
AGAIN: There is a QR code on the back of each family hang tag - but no action is required. Your hang tags have already been registered in our system.
All students will be sent to the pick-up areas for their grade level once your vehicle enters the parking lot and your hangtag number is entered into the system. When you get to the loading zones your student will be dismissed into your vehicle. A video demonstrating how the SmartDISMISSAL program works is below.
Every student will have a tag number. Although the first few days will be a time of learning and adjusting for all of us, we are confident that the SmartDISMISSAL program provides the safest method for student dismissal.
You are welcome to watch the SmartDISMISSAL Video (formerly referred to as Car Rider Plus) here.
Additional notes about arrival and dismissal:
*Please be patient. Many of these procedures are new to everyone, and it will take a little time to adjust, and tweaks may need to be made. Student safety is the priority - efficiency is a bonus and will come with practice.
*Please be kind. We must redesign the wheel in this new climate, and the carpool process is yet another new piece, and we want to all graciously allow time to learn the procedures.
*The carpool line is a NO CELL PHONE ZONE. Our students deserve everyone's undivided attention when loading and unloading.
*If you carpool with another family regularly, please provide them with a hangtag for your family number. Additional tags are available by contacting the office, but will cost a small fee.
If you have questions regarding any of this information, please contact our front office so that we can assist you! Thank you for your help!
Libby VanDolah