Good afternoon BMS families. Our BPS 9th Grade Center (9GC) will be hosting an orientation for BMS 8th graders on Wednesday, April 19th. Our BMS 8th graders will bus over to the 9th Grade Center and participate in a series of mini workshops designed to help our 8th grade students with their transition from the middle school world. These sessions will hosted by 9th grade center staff and will include a tour of the campus as well. Our 8th grade students have been divided into groups and been assigned either an AM (morning) or PM (afternoon) session. The group information, group agendas, and the AM/PM assignments will be sent out to students soon via email and Student Life. Also, 8th grade students participating in the 9GC orientation will eat lunch in the 9GC cafetiera as a part of the experience.
The staff at the 9GC are looking forward to meeting and visiting with the Class of 2027 and are excited to have the students on their campus. Please contact Alex Rowan @ with questions or for more information.