Weekly Bulletin Week of February 25 - March 1, 2019
Week of February 25-28, 2019
• Monday, February 25th - Paul Mitchell School/Tulsa -> 5th Hour - see below
•Tuesday February 26th - DECA Meeting - see below
•Tuesday, February 26th - Needles & Novels Club Meeting - see below
•Tuesday, February 26th - Art Club Meeting - see below
•Saturday March 2nd - The Big Event! - see below
Great Expectations for: February
District Character of the Month: Optimism
District Quote of the Month: "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." - Maya Angelou
Expectation Focus: We will not laugh or make fun of a person's mistakes nor use sarcasm or putdowns.
DECA Meeting
DECA meeting, Tuesday February 26th W-5. See you there!
Needles & Novels Club
When: Tuesday, February 26th
Where: BHS Library 2:45pm - 4:15pm
Remind 101 @ bixbyya
We are starting a new club at BHS! Come knit, crochet or needlepoint while talking about your most recent reading adventure. You can come by to learn more about "needle" crafts and/or to talk about "novels". Please bring your own supplies. Everyone is welcome!!
Art Club
Art Club will meet every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month in the Art Room, E-22.
Senior Song Auditions
Senior Song Audition Sign-Up, February 1st through March 4th with auditions March 6th.
Sign-up in Mrs. Davis office (principal's office), if any questions see Mrs. Davis.
The Big Event
The Bixby Big Event is on Saturday March 2nd. Check In starts at 8am with projects worked from 9-12. Please make plans to volunteer. Registration will begin soon!!
Counseling Office Information
College Visits
February 25th - Paul Mitchell School/Tulsa -> 5th Hour
March 12th - University of Oklahoma -> 5th Hour
March 29th - Rogers State University -> 3rd Hour
Enrollment Information
February 19-25 Sophomore enrollment through History teachers classrooms.
February 26- March 8 Junior enrollment through History teachers classrooms,
March 8th - 9th Grade Center Pre-enrollment Day. Core class teachers will show a video of enrollment for their subject area (and possibly a small portion of elective courses) and sign off on each student's pre-enrollment form.
March 11th, 13th, 14th - 9th Grade Enrollment at 9GC
BEEF Scholarships
The deadline is fast approaching! All applications must be received in the counselor’s office by Friday, March 8, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. We encourage all graduating seniors who are planning to further their education to apply for all the scholarships for which they qualify. You will find a listing of all the scholarships as well as the instructions and application form on the BEEF Website at www.bixbyps.org.
Student ID's
Students - please pick up your new student ID's in the front Attendance Office.
Math tutoring available during 1st lunch and available during all lunches w/prior arrangements in W-24 Monday - Friday - see Mrs. Roberson with questions
Math tutoring is available on Tuesday/Thursday 1st and 7th period in room S-214.
Science tutoring w/Mr. Hunter 3:45 - 4:30pm Monday thru Thursday room S-109
Indian Education
Native American Parents and Students - Pete Coser, a Muscogee (Creek) Nation Representative, will be at Brassfield Learning Center on Tuesday, March 5th at 6PM. He will give a presentation about Creek Nation scholarships and services. See you there!
Title VI students and parents are encouraged to utilize the phone app Remind 101. Download the Remind 101 app for upcoming events: Text 81010 and Enter this Message: @titleviin
Indian Education Tutoring/Title VI Program
-Tutoring is available for students with a 506 Form on file (Forms may be downloaded from the Student Services section of www.bixbyps.org),
-Location: Brassfield Learning Center, 501 S. Riverview, behind the 9th Grade Center
-Time 2:45-4:30pm - Tuesday and Thursday
-Science tutoring w/Mr. Hunter 3:45 - 4:30pm Monday thru Thursday room S-109
-For more information contact Tina Francis at (918)366-2237 email tfrancis@bixbyps.org or Adria Wood (18)366-2222 email awood@bixbyps.org
Parking permit enforcement has begun. Students may only park in approved lots in front of the campus. Permits cost $20.00 and you must have a drug test prior to purchase. Parking permits can be purchased in the Assistant Principal's Office. See your Assistant Principal or Mrs. Dees with any questions.