Hello High School Parents: We wanted to give you information about our course enrollment procedures for the 2019-2020 school year. Tomorrow, students will receive their enrollment forms and will hear enrollment information through their core subject classes. They will bring home the form for you to look over and sign. Here is a link to what the students will be hearing tomorrow:
- English https://5il.co/6jzx
- History https://5il.co/6k26
- Math https://5il.co/6jzt
- Science https://5il.co/6k25
For a list of electives and more enrollment information, you can view the course curriculum guide from this link https://5il.co/6jgl or by going to the documents link on the high school website at www.bixbyps.org. Below are the dates that the students will be pre-enrolling in next year's classes. This is when they will need to have their signed form to give to their counselor. They will be enrolling through their History classes.
- Current Sophomores February 19-25
- Current Juniors February 26- March 8
- Current Freshman March 11, 13, 14
- 9th Grade Center Enrollment day is March 8th so freshmen will not receive their forms until then. Thank you! High School Counseling Office