Math tutoring available during 1st lunch and available during all lunches w/prior arrangements in W-24 Monday - Friday - see Mrs. Roberson with questions
Math tutoring is available on Tuesday/Thursday 1st and 7th period in room S-214.
Science tutoring w/Mr. Hunter 3:45 - 4:30pm Monday thru Thursday room S-109
Indian Education Tutoring/Title VI Program
-Tutoring is available for students with a 506 Form on file (Forms may be downloaded from the Student Services section of www.bixbyps.org),
-Location: Brassfield Learning Center, 501 S. Riverview, behind the 9th Grade Center
-Time 2:45-4:30pm - Tuesday and Thursday
-Science tutoring w/Mr. Hunter 3:45 - 4:30pm Monday thru Thursday room S-109
-For more information contact Tina Francis at (918)366-2237 email tfrancis@bixbyps.org or Adria Wood (18)366-2222 email awood@bixbyps.org