Daily Bulletin
Week of January 7-11, 2019
Welcome back, Spartans!
Great Expectations for: January
District Character of the Month: Friendship
District Quote of the Month: "A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same - Elbert Hubbard
Expectation Focus: We will use good manners, saying "please," "thank you," and "excuse me" and allow others to go first.
Math tutoring available during 1st lunch and available during all lunches w/prior arrangements in W-24 Monday - Friday - see Mrs. Roberson with questions
Math tutoring is available on Tuesday/Thursday 1st and 7th period in room S-214.
Science tutoring w/Mr. Hunter 3:45 - 4:30pm Monday thru Thursday room S-109
Tulsa Technology Center
Tulsa Tech applications are now open! If you are interested in attending, apply online now at Tulsatech.edu/apply. If you would like to speak to a career advisor about program options sign up to see Mandy Flanary in the counselors office. She is here every Wednesday.
Indian Education
Title VI students and parents are encouraged to utilize the phone app Remind 101. Download the Remind 101 app for upcoming events: Text 81010 and Enter this Message: @titleviin
Indian Education Tutoring/Title VI Program
-Tutoring is available for students with a 506 Form on file (Forms may be downloaded from the Student Services section of www.bixbyps.org),
-Location: Brassfield Learning Center, 501 S. Riverview, behind the 9th Grade Center
-Time 2:45-4:30pm - Tuesday and Thursday
-Science tutoring w/Mr. Hunter 3:45 - 4:30pm Monday thru Thursday room S-109
-For more information contact Tina Francis at (918)366-2237 email tfrancis@bixbyps.org or Adria Wood (18)366-2222 email awood@bixbyps.org
Art Club Meeting
There will be an Art Club meeting on January 8, 2019 after school in Ms. Jankowski's room E-22.
PreMed Meeting
There will be a Premed club meeting on Wednesday, January 23rd in SA 107, Mr. Nguyen's room after 7th period.
Parking permit enforcement has begun. Students may only park in approved lots in front of the campus. Permits cost $20.00 and you must have a drug test prior to purchase. Parking permits can be purchased in the Assistant Principal's Office. See your Assistant Principal or Mrs. Dees with any questions.