Week of April 4 - April 8, 2022
Wednesday, April 6th -> College Representative visit - Oklahoma State University - 2nd hour
Saturday, April 9th -> 7:30pm - 10:30pm @ 181 Ranch.
Great Expectations for the month of April
Character Trait: Empathy- capacity for participating in another's feelings or ideas
Quote of the month: "It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences" - Audre Lorde
Focus: We will value one another as unique and special individuals.
Upcoming Events:
Junior ACT --> Tuesday, April 12. Distance Learning for 9th, 10th, and 12th graders
State Testing for 11th Grade --> Wednesday, April 20th. Distance Learning for 9th, 10th, and 12th graders
Upcoming College Representative Visits
April 13th --> University of Oklahoma - 5th hour
Please sign up with Mrs. Webb in the counseling office or via email, jwebb@bixbyps.org if you are interested in attending an upcoming College Representative visit. Location information for the visits will be provided to those who sign up to attend.
Check the Daily Bulletin from your Student Life homepage regularly. Additional visits will be added soon! Visits are also posted on the counseling website: https://www.bixbyps.org/o/bixb...
Please note that you are responsible for any classwork or assignments missed during these events. Many colleges and universities will have more than one visit per semester.
Summer School Information:
Dates: May 24 - June 21
Location: High School Online Lab Rm #208
Time: 8:00 - 1:00pm. Students will be required to attend the first day to take a prescip test and to take finals in person. Can work from home unless student gets behind.
Registration can be found at bixbyps.info/bhssummerschool
Early Bird pricing changes after 4/30 - cost is $150 per 0.5 credit. After 4/30 it increases to $175.
Free/Reduced Rate: $75 per 0.5 credit
Indian Ed will be free for students
** all payments through MySchoolBucks (link provided to parent after registration is complete)
Tutoring for students
We are very excited to announce that the high school will be offering virtual tutoring during the entirety of the upcoming 2021-2022 school year. The Google Meet tutoring format will provide a convenient way for you to receive additional instruction and help with assignments. English, Science, and Spanish Tutoring will begin on September 7th, and Math tutoring will begin on September 14th.
The virtual tutoring schedule will be available weekly:
Tuesday and Wednesday from 6:00-8:00 pm, Math
Monday and Wednesday from 6:00-8:00 pm, Science
Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00-8:00 pm, English
Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00-8:00 pm, Spanish
Access these Google Meet sessions by going to meet.google.com and click on Join Meeting. Type in the meeting nickname listed below. Be sure to be signed into your BixbyPS Google account.
Math, mathbhs
Science, sciencebhs
English, englishbhs
Spanish, spanishbhs
If you have any issues joining virtual tutoring, please contact the following teachers:
Math, Ms. K. Smith, karismith@bixbyps.org
Science, Ms. Brewer, lbrewer@bixbyps.org
English, Ms. Obrien, kobrien@bixbyps.org
Spanish, Ms. Grovenburg, ggrovenburg@bixbyps.org
If you have any other questions regarding virtual tutoring or the tutoring schedule, please contact Dr. Lange at 918-366-2303, slange@bixbyps.org
Indian Ed Students
Please see Mrs. Simic in the Assistant Principals office or Ms. Walters in E-22 for your school supplies. Thanks!
Bixby High School Yearbooks are on sale now! Get yours today. See the following link for more information:
Interact Club
Interact club will meet on the first Thursday of each month during lunch in room E-18. We have an exciting year of fun and service planned for Bixby High School
Cafeteria News
Breakfasts and lunches are free for the 2021-2022 school year for all students! Please come by and see us.
Parking Permits
Student parking permits can be purchased from the following:
Students 1. Must pay for an athletic drug test on My School Bucks $15 2. Must pay for parking permit on My School Bucks $20 and 3. Fill out the form with the make, model and tag number of your vehicle. Once all 3 steps are complete, Mrs. Simic can issue you a permit. She's located in the Assistant Principals office, next door to the Attendance office in the east hallway.
Also, a reminder that Bixby High School is a closed campus for all lunches and all students are expected to eat in the cafeteria areas. Further, students are expected to remain in those areas for the duration of the lunch periods. Students SHOULD NOT BE IN THE PARKING LOT OR OTHER AREAS OF THE SCHOOL DURING THEIR ASSIGNED LUNCH PERIODS WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE OFFICE. If you arrive at school during a lunch period you should proceed immediately to the cafeteria areas.
Students in violation of these policies will be subject to discipline.
If you would like anything added to the bulletin, please contact Allie Simic asimic@bixbyps.org
Weekly Bulletin April 4 - 8, 2022
April 4, 2022