Week of September 14-18, 2020
~Parking permits are now available for purchase - see below
~Tuesday, September 15 - DECA Meeting - see below
~Friday, September 18 - Mat Maid Applications due - see below
Great Expectations for the month of September
Character trait: Problem solving - creating solutions; finding answers
Quote: "When solving problems, dig at the root instead of just hacking at the leaves." - Anthony J. D'Angelo
Expectation Focus: We will not laugh at or make fun of a person's mistakes nor use sarcasm or put downs.
Jennifer Phenicie (jphenicie@bixbyps.org) is the district GE Coach and is available for appointments Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00-9:30am or 2:45-4:00pm.
Spartan Market
The Spartan Market is open during all 3 lunches. Although they are unable to sell cookies right now, there are plenty of other snacks available. Come see us!
Tulsa Technology Center
If you are interested in attending Tulsa Tech for next school year, sign up to see the tech advisor in the counselor’s office. Mandy Flanary is here every Wednesday in the principal’s office to answer any questions you might have about applying for next year.
Free Breakfast/Lunch for all students
Students will now receive free breakfast and lunch until December 18, 2020. Please see Crystal Wilson in the cafeteria with any questions.
DECA Meeting
The first DECA meeting will be Tuesday, September 15th in Mrs. Delay's classroom W-5 during all three lunches.
Wrestling Mat Maid Applications
Interested in becoming a Mat Maid? Applications are due back to Denise Wood at HOTS on September 18, 2020 by 2:30pm. If chosen, you will receive notice by October 1, 2020. Requirements are:
~You must attend scheduled wrestling events. No excuses!
~Girls applying should not be enrolled in spring sports (too many scheduling conflicts).
~2.5GPA / eligibility rules for participation will apply.
~You will be spending extra time after school and weekends to help with preparing for events, tournaments, fundraising.
~All school policies to be followed at all times.
~Positive attitude is a must!
If interested, please contact Coach Brock Moore at HOTS. You can also pick up an application in the Assistant Principal's office.
Parking Permits
Parking permits are now being sold online. You must pay for your drug test, pay for your permit, and fill out the permit form before receiving your permit from Mrs. Dees in the Assistant Principal's office.
Weekly Bulletin 9/14/2020-9/18/2020
September 14, 2020