Weekly Bulletin 1/21/2020 - 1/24/2020
Great Expectations for the month of January
District Character Trait of the Month:Optimism
District Quote of the Month: "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." - Maya Angelou
Expectation Focus:We will use good manners, saying "please," "thank you," and "excuse me" and allow others to go first.
Week of January 20-24, 2020
~Friday, January 24 - Miss Bixby applications due - see below
~Friday, January 24 - Special Olympics fundraising begins - see below
Special Olympics Fundraising Drive
Our annual fundraising drive for Special Olympics will begin Friday January 24th and run through Thursday January 30th.
~The class that raises the most money will be invited to a special party that includes food, music, and games!
~Teachers may wear jeans Thursday January 30th for a $5 donation.
~Teachers will also be able to purchase raffle tickets for $5 each. Items to be raffled include dinners for 2, movie tickets, and other fabulous prizes.
~Students may also purchase a ticket to wear a hat on Friday January 31st. Tickets will be $1 and sold at the cookie window.
Very Important Senior Information
February 5th, 2020 DEADLINE TO ORDER: Cap/gown, mascot tassel, white stole unit cost $60.36 to receive the items for the distribution day on March 3rd.
If you need any assistance in getting your cap and gown please come see Tama Davis, asap!
March 3rd, 2020
Cap/Gown Distribution 9:00 - 1:00 in the Old Whitey Gym
March 10th, 2020
Gap and Gown pictures, 7:30 am to 2:30 pm Whitey Ford Gym Lobby, with the group picture taken @ 12:30 pm in the Whitey Ford Gym.
Boys: Slacks (no jeans), Collared shirt with a tie or bow tie, dress shoes or nice boots. NO FLIP FLOPS or TENNIS SHOES
Girls, Dresses or slacks (no jeans) nice top (no t-shirt), sandals are ok, dress shoes open or closed toe are ok. NO FLIP FLOPS or TENNIS SHOES.
Please see Tama Davis or any faculty/staff member and they will get the information to Mrs. Davis to help with clothing attire.
March 12th
MAKEUP DAY For Pictures 9:00 am to 11:00 am in the lobby of the Whitey Ford Gym.
Miss Bixby Deadline
Applications are due Jan 24 and located on the Bixby Optimist Club website. See Mrs. Fletcher with any questions.
Senior Baby Pictures
Deadline for Senior Baby photos will be January 31st. Please submit the photo(s) to wrichardson@bixbyps.org
PreMed Club Meeting
There will be a PreMed Club meeting on Wednesday, February 5th in Mr. Nguyen's room S-107 at 3:50pm.
Upcoming EL ACCESS Assessment
From Ms. Swanson (EL teacher):
Assessment will begin the week of Jan. 20th. The window for testing closes before spring break but I'm hoping to have it finished by mid-February.
There are some students who chose not to take the EL class and they will still need to take the assessment which means I'll have to pull them from other classes. There are 4 parts to the test and each part will be on a different day lasting for one class period.
From the Cafeteria
Pizza of the Week: Carnivore (Pepperoni, Sausage, Ham)
Salad of the Week: Tuna Salad
From the Counseling Office
College Visits:
January 28th - Oral Roberts University -> 5th Hour
Please sign up with Mrs. Webb in the counseling office.
Spring Dates for Your Planning
Jan. 27th - 5th hour- Seniors Only - TCC Tulsa Achieves presentations. All seniors should attend unless they are off-campus for a class, regardless of their future plans.
Feb. 5 &6 - 9th grade PreEnrollment Presentations - through history classes.
Feb. 11th - High School PreEnrollment Presentations - Soph. & Jr history classes in auditorium each hour.
Feb. 12th - Core subject teachers will take the first 10 minutes of each period to initial each student's selection in that subject on their pre-enrollment forms. If you do not agree with a selection, you may write a note on the form for parents and counselors to see & discuss with the student.
Feb. 18 - March 6th - Counselors will meet with individual students for pre-enrollment through English classes.
April 8th - Virtual Day for all 9th, 10th and 12th graders.
April 8th - State ACT test date for ALL juniors.
Indian Ed Tutoring
Indian Ed students - Indian Ed tutor Monday and Wednesday from 7:45am to 9:30am and each of the lunch periods as needed. Can stay after school any day as long as an appointment is made. See Mr. Hunter or Mrs. Francis with questions.
Senior Class Co-Ed t-shirts)
The first round of co-ed shirts are in (if you ordered before 8-28). You can pick them up in Mrs. Rodgers room, S-105.
Times to pick up:
Before 1st hour
2nd lunch
3rd lunch
After 6th hour
Between classes
Please DO NOT pick up your shirt during class.
Student Reminder on Parking
There is no student parking in HOTS parking lot from 7:30am-4:30pm. Thank you!
From the Assistant Principal's Office
Parking permits can be purchased for $20 in the Assistant Principal's Office. You must pay for your drug test online ($15) before you can purchase a permit. See Mrs. Dees with any questions.