Week of February 5th - February 9th, 2024
Great Expectations for February:
Character Trait: Perseverance - ability to persist or continue striving to the end
Quote of the month: "Hard days are the best because that is when champions are made." Gabby Douglas
Focus: We will encourage each other to do our best.
Upcoming Events
This week:
Friday, Feb 9th and Saturday, Feb 10th - The Student-Directed Main-Stage production of CLUE: On Stage. This is the first fully student-directed play in many years. Students chose the play, directed the actors, designed and operated all the light and sound, constructed and painted the set, etc. Come out and support our amazing students. 7:30pm in the auditorium.
Future Events:
Wednesday, Feb 14th - FCCLA will be selling chocolate covered strawberries in the commons.
Friday, Feb 16th - NO SCHOOL for students. Professional Development for teachers
Monday, Feb 19th - NO SCHOOL
March 18th-25th - SPRING BREAK
Saturday, April 13th Prom at 181 Ranch 7-10pm
Upcoming Test Dates:
Upcoming College Representative Visits:
Please sign up with Mrs. Webb in the Counseling Office or via email at jwebb@bixbyps.org if you are interested in attending an upcoming College Representative visit. Location information for the visits will be provided closer to the date visit. All of these visits will be on the BHS Campus
Feb 20th - Oral Roberts University - 5th hour @ 2:20
Feb 28th - University of Oklahoma - 5th hour @ 2:20
March 12th - University of Oklahoma - SPACE
Check the Counseling Office website regularly. Additional visits will be added soon as well as scholarship information and College Events hosted by various universities!.
Please know that you are responsible for any classwork or assignments missed during these events.
Upcoming College and Career Events:
Indian Ed Tutoring:
Attention 9-12th graders! Indian Ed Math Tutoring Sessions are coming your way. Join us every Tuesday and Thursday from 4-5pm for expert guidance in math!
Our dedicated tutor will provide personalized support, helping you sharpen your math skills and tackle challenging concepts with confidence.
Whether it's algebra, geometry, or any other math topic, we've got you covered! Don't miss this opportunity to strengthen your math foundation.
Where: Bixby Alternative Education Center
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4-5pm.
Please contact Mrs. Thomas at tthomas@bixbyps.org if you have any questions!
Events and Accolades
We would like to start giving upcoming events (happening in Bixby) and accolades a shoutout on our upcoming broadcasts. Please click on the link below to let us know of something good happening! Click on the link to fill out the form. https://forms.gle/W557VdNNxpnZ...
Parking Permits:
Parking permits are required to park on campus. You must have a current 2023-2024 parking permit. Your permit needs to be facing outwards so we can see the current permit hanging from your rearview mirror. Old permits and backwards facing permits will not work and could result in getting a parking sticker on your car. Student parking permits can be purchased from the following link: https://www.bixbyps.org/o/bixb...
Students will need to do the following to purchase a parking permit:
1) Please pay the $15 for the athletic drug test on My School Bucks.
2) Please pay the $20 for the parking permit on My School Bucks.
3) Fill out the Google form on the BHS website.
Once all 3 steps are completed, you can pick up your permit from Mrs. Simic in the Assistant Principal's Office, which is located next to the Attendance Office in the East hallway.
Also a reminder the Bixby High School is a closed campus for all 3 lunches and students are expected to eat in the cafeteria area. Further, students are expected to remain in those areas for the duration of the lunch period. Students SHOULD NOT BE IN THE PARKING LOT OR OTHER AREAS OF THE SCHOOL DURING THEIR ASSIGNED LUNCH PERIODS WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE OFFICE. Any student who arrives at school during their lunch period should proceed directly to the cafeteria areas. Students in violation of these policies will be subject to discipline.
Senior 2024 Info: All of this information is located in the Senior Class Info on Canvas
If you need to order graduation supplies, you can order at www.Jostens.com
Wednesday, May 22nd - Graduation @ 7:00pm. ORU Mabee Center.
Cafeteria News:
Breakfast is $1.55 and lunch is $3.10 If you are needing assistance with free and reduced meals please see Ms. Spalding. Her office is located in FA1 or click on the link to fill out the form. https://www.nlappscloud.com/
Lunch Menu for the week:
DAILY a la carte : Sparky's pizza, fruit and veggie bar, assorted fruit juices and milk
Monday, Feb 5th - BBQ sandwich, pickle spear, tater tots and baked beans
Tuesday, Feb 6th - Macaroni & cheese with little smokies, seasoned green peas and cookie
Wednesday, Feb 7th - Chicken drumstick, cheesy potatoes, seasoned green beans and dinner roll
Thursday, Feb 8th - Chicken Bacon Ranch pasta, steamed broccoli and garlic toast
Friday, Feb 9th - Beefy cheese nachos, fiesta corn and fiesta rice
Fun Random Fact: Just like Oklahoma has earthquakes, the moon has moonquakes. Shallow moonquakes are caused when the moon's crust slips and cracks due to the gradual shrinking of the moon when it cools. Meteors can also cause quakes when they crash into the surface of the moon.
Word of the Week: Cachinnation - loud, convulsive laughter
If you would like anything added to the weekly bulletin, please email asimic@bixbyps.org
Weekly Bulletin Feb 5 - 9, 2024
February 5, 2024