Weekly Bulletin
Great Expectations for the month of September
District Character Trait of the Month: Integrity
District Quote of the Month: "People with good intentions make promises, people with good character keep them." - Author unknown
Expectation Focus: We will not laugh or make fun of a person's mistakes nor use sarcasm or putdowns.
Week of September 2-6, 2019
• Tuesday, Sept. 3 - DECA meeting (see below)
• Wednesday, Sept. 4 - TCC Concurrent meeting 4th, 5th, 6th hours (see below)
• Wednesday, Sept. 4 - PreMed meeting (see below)
• Thursday, Sept. 5 - FCCLA meeting (see below)
Student Reminder on Parking
There is no student parking in HOTS parking lot from 7:30am-4:30pm. Thank you!
Mandatory TCC Concurrent Meeting
Wednesday, September 4 - there will be a 15 minute meeting in the Media Center during 4th, 5th and 6th hours. See Mrs. Dees in the Assistant Principal's office or Mrs. Schottel in the counseling office with any questions.
From the Armory
Junior Class T-shirts will be for sale in the Armory from now until 9/6 and the cost is $15.
DECA Meeting
First DECA meeting is in room W-5 during all three lunches on September 3rd. See Mrs. Delay with any questions.
PreMed Club
There will be a PreMed Club meeting on Wednesday, September the 4th at 3:50 in Mr. Nguyen's room S-107.
FCCLA Meeting
The first FCCLA Meeting is Sept. 5th in room W-21 during all 3 lunches.
School Pictures
Makeup picture day is Monday, October 7th. Students/Staff are instructed to not wear green because of green screen technology.
From the Cafeteria
Hello!! This is Julie Byers and I am the new cafeteria manager/district chef. I hope you will find your way to my neck of the woods and introduce yourself and let me feed you...
Some exciting things are taking place in the cafeteria:
1) I am brand new and excited to serve the faculty/staff/students!
2) We are now offering main line (menu is posted) serving breakfast and lunch.
3) We will be offering new salad choices starting Monday, August 26. We will have Chicken/Cranberry/Feta with Raspberry Vinaigrette, Blackened Chicken Caesar, Southwest Chicken with Black Beans/Corn/Cheddar and Chipotle Ranch, and Chef's with Chicken/Egg/Cheddar and either Ranch or Italian.
4) Sub sandwiches will begin September 3 after Labor Day.
Senior Packet Information
Senior Packet: The senior packet includes a co-ed senior class t-shirt, a senior breakfast ticket, and a GradFest ticket. Cost is $90, which is a savings of $10 compared to purchasing these items individually. The deadline to order a senior packet is October 2nd. Orders and payment should be turned in to Mrs. Ayres-Rodgers in room S-105.
The co-ed senior class t-shirt can be purchased separately for $15 if you choose not to buy a senior packet.
Senior Girls T-Shirt: This shirt is sold separately from the senior packet. Cost is $15. The deadline to order a senior girls t-shirt is October 2nd. Orders and payment should be turned in to Mrs. Ayres-Rodgers in room S-105.
From the Assistant Principal's Office
Parking permits can be purchased for $20 in the Assistant Principal's Office. You must pay for your drug test online ($15) before you can purchase a permit. See Mrs. Dees with any questions.