Week of May 20-24, 2019
• Tuesday & Wednesday, May 21 & 22 - final exams
• Wednesday, May 22 - Last day of school!
Great Expectations for: May
District Character of the Month: Citizenship
District Quote of the Month: "You are a citizen, and citizenship carries responsibilities." - Paul Collier
Expectation Focus: We will help one another whenever possible.
Advanced Placement Information
Bixby AP Students and Parents, The College Board, creators of Advanced Placement, recently announced significant changes to the AP exam ordering process, deadlines, late fees, and cancellation fees that will be mandated for all schools and all students in the 2019-2020 school year. Next year, all students will decide whether or not to take exams and order their exams by Nov. 15, 2019. All students in AP classes who register after Nov. 15, 2019, will be assessed a $40.00/exam late fee. In addition, a $40.00/exam cancellation fee will be assessed for any exam order canceled after Nov. 15, 2019. You can view the timeline in detail at https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/about-ap/news-changes/ap-2019/for-ap-coordinators, under Fall Exam Ordering Overview.
It is important that all families are aware of these looming changes, especially as students begin registering for their 2019-2020 courses. We understand that these changes may cause concern for students, parents, and teachers. Please keep in mind that these changes are being mandated by the College Board and were not decided by Bixby Schools.
Additional details regarding the College Board’s new process will be made available once we have more information. Please see Adria Wood, AAdvanced Placement Coordinator. with any questions. She can be reached at 918) 366-2222 or awood@bixbyps.org
Chromebook Information
If you are graduating or moving this summer, you must return your Chromebook to the 9GC library or the HS library as soon as you’ve completed finals. You need to return your device AND the charge cord. If you have one of our loaner devices because your device is being repaired, the loaners must be turned in after finals. Mrs. Wilkinson will notify you over the summer when your device is repaired in case you would like to pick it up. Otherwise, it will be redistributed to you in August.
All other students, you will keep your Chromebook for the summer. Please bring it to a full charge periodically and power it on so that it can receive automatic updates. If your device breaks over the summer, you may send Mrs. Wilkinson a message via email (cwilkinson@bixbyps.org). If you are taking summer school classes, you will be provided a loaner device.
Seniors- Your school Google Gmail and Drive accounts will be deleted over the summer. You may use Google Takeout to archive and save any materials from your Drive. Visit takeout.google.com for more information.
Contact Mrs. Wilkinson with any questions!
Math tutoring available during 1st lunch and available during all lunches w/prior arrangements in W-24 Monday - Friday - see Mrs. Roberson with questions
Math tutoring is available on Tuesday/Thursday 1st and 7th period in room S-214.
Science tutoring w/Mr. Hunter 3:45 - 4:30pm Monday thru Thursday room S-109
Indian Education
Title VI students and parents are encouraged to utilize the phone app Remind 101. Download the Remind 101 app for upcoming events: Text 81010 and Enter this Message: @titleviin
Indian Education Tutoring/Title VI Program
-Tutoring is available for students with a 506 Form on file (Forms may be downloaded from the Student Services section of www.bixbyps.org),
-Location: Brassfield Learning Center, 501 S. Riverview, behind the 9th Grade Center
-Time 2:45-4:30pm - Tuesday and Thursday
-Science tutoring w/Mr. Hunter 3:45 - 4:30pm Monday thru Thursday room S-109
-For more information contact Tina Francis at (918)366-2237 email tfrancis@bixbyps.org or Adria Wood (18)366-2222 email awood@bixbyps.org