Week of May 6-10, 2019
•Tuesday, May 7 - Senior Walk Through - see details below
•Tuesday, May 7 - Premed Club Ceremony - see details below
•Thursday, May 9 - GRADUATION! 7:30PM ORU Mabee Center
Great Expectations for: May
District Character of the Month: Citizenship
District Quote of the Month: "You are a citizen, and citizenship carries responsibilities." - Paul Collier
Expectation Focus: We will help one another whenever possible.
Senior Activities
•Tuesday, May 7 - Senior Class Walk Through - wear cap & gown as you walk through elementary & intermediate schools. The morning walk will be at the Bixby northside elementary schools, and all seniors should meet at the Whitey Ford gym at 9 am to load the buses. We will provide lunch for our seniors at the Ag barn at 11 am. The afternoon walk will be at the Bixby southside elementary schools, and all seniors should meet at the Whitey Ford gym at 12: 15 pm am to load the buses. Dress is casual, even shorts are ok, with gowns and caps. Please do not wear your tassels this day.
•Thursday, May 9 - Senior breakfast @ 9:00am, graduation rehearsal 10:45am - mandatory for all graduates, graduation 7:30pm @ ORU Mabee Center
, Gradfest after graduation @ Incredible Pizza
•Friday, May 17th - Senior Send-off Assembly 5th hour Whitey Ford Gym
Yearbook Distribution
Fewer than 50 yearbooks remain on sale for $75. Please see Mr. Wilson in Studio B if you'd like to buy one. Yearbook distribution will be from 7:15 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 17 outside Studio B. Each student who has already bought a yearbook must present a school ID or driver's license to pick up a book. This prevents giving the wrong book to the wrong person. Extra books on that day will be sold for $80. Bring an exact amount of cash or a check. Please contact Mr. Wilson @ Studio B with any questions.
Premed Club Ceremony
Please join us in the auditorium on May 7th at 6:00pm for the Pre-Med Club Ceremony for students which will be receiving certificates and senior tassels.
Art Club
Art Club will meet every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month in the Art Room, E-22.
Math tutoring available during 1st lunch and available during all lunches w/prior arrangements in W-24 Monday - Friday - see Mrs. Roberson with questions
Math tutoring is available on Tuesday/Thursday 1st and 7th period in room S-214.
Science tutoring w/Mr. Hunter 3:45 - 4:30pm Monday thru Thursday room S-109
Indian Education
Title VI students and parents are encouraged to utilize the phone app Remind 101. Download the Remind 101 app for upcoming events: Text 81010 and Enter this Message: @titleviin
Indian Education Tutoring/Title VI Program
-Tutoring is available for students with a 506 Form on file (Forms may be downloaded from the Student Services section of www.bixbyps.org),
-Location: Brassfield Learning Center, 501 S. Riverview, behind the 9th Grade Center
-Time 2:45-4:30pm - Tuesday and Thursday
-Science tutoring w/Mr. Hunter 3:45 - 4:30pm Monday thru Thursday room S-109
-For more information contact Tina Francis at (918)366-2237 email tfrancis@bixbyps.org or Adria Wood (18)366-2222 email awood@bixbyps.org
Weekly Bulletin 5/6/2019 - 5/10/2019
May 6, 2019