Hello CI families! Just a few reminders for today...
- Donuts for Dads (or dudes!) is tomorrow morning from 8:00 to 8:40 am in the cafeteria. Dads, grandpas, uncles, or any significant person in your child's life are welcome to join them for breakfast in the morning! We hope you'll join us!
- We have changed our pick up procedure at the end of the day so that we can protect instructional time, and so we are in alignment with the other elementary/intermediates in the district. Please do not pick up your child after 3:00 any day of the week, and after 2:00 on early out Fridays. This allows the teachers to teach from bell to bell. We understand emergencies happen, but we also know that valuable time is lost if kids are picked up early from school, or if they arrive late, so we are asking you to help us with this in order to keep our kids in class as long as possible.
- Conferences are next Thursday, 2/21 from 4:30 to 7:30 pm and the following Tuesday, 2/26 from 4:30 to 7:30 pm. If teachers would like to conference with you regarding your child, they will reach out to you. If you are not contacted but would like to conference, please feel free to reach out to your child's homeroom teacher.
- Finally, we'd like to say a huge THANK YOU for the GREAT participation in our Special Olympics Money Drive, where our kids raised a record-breaking $2700 for our CI Olympians!! The same goes for our school wide fundraiser where we raised more than $10,000 and we have already ordered another mobile Chromebook lab for our students!! Thank you so much for supporting both of these wonderful causes!! The support of our CI family is such a blessing!!
If you have any questions about these reminders or anything else, please feel free to call our office. We truly appreciate you all!! Remember, it's always a GREAT day to be a SPARTAN!!