Hello CI Family! We have just a few very important reminders for you, so please take note!
- We are having an ongoing problem with parents parking across the street from the school in our neighbor's driveway to drop off/pick up students. Students are walking across 161st street to go to school or to their car. This is terribly unsafe for many reasons. Accidents can happen in an instant, and we ask that if this is something you have been doing, that you stop this practice immediately. Not only is it unsafe, but it is also causing an inconvenience for our neighbors.
- Please remember that our fundraiser is still going strong! All money and orders should be turned in to our office on Monday, February 11th. We truly appreciate those who are participating!!
- Please mark your calendars for Donuts with Dads (or Dudes!) on Thursday, February 14th from 8 am to 8:40 am in the cafeteria. This is a great opportunity for the men in your child's life to come see their school! We hope you'll join us for this fun event!
- Our Special Olympics Money Drive is happening this week! One hundred percent of the proceeds are used for the clothes, shoes, registration fees, travel expenses, and housing for our Bixby Special Athletes. This is such an awesome tradition in our district and we truly want to support our athletes throughout this event!!
- Our Honor Choir will be doing Singing Valentines on Valentine's Day next week. They are selling these before school. Feel free to send one to your child, or they can send them to friends! It is a really fun tradition for our school!
As always, thank you so much for your support! We truly appreciate all you do for us! If you have any questions about these or any other items, please do not hesitate to reach out! Thank you and remember, it is ALWAYS a GREAT day to be a SPARTAN!!