Every year it isn't long into the beginning of school when parents receive the dreaded fundraising packet! This year we've already had several fundraisers that seem to be back to back. We wanted to take a moment to just appreciate the support our CI families have given towards our fundraisers!
Our cookie dough fundraiser that started back in September was our most successful fundraiser ever. After the costs deducted by the fundraising company, we managed to bring in a little more than $14,000 for our school! After that fundraiser, we kicked off the Monster Mash fundraiser. It brought in a little more than $10,000. We also had the Box Tops for Education collection happening in tandem, and that was our most successful collection ever as well, bringing in $417 so far this year! Those are all awesome numbers!
You'd think with that success we'd be in good shape for the year. While that is true, the money raised in those fundraisers goes right back into the classroom. We've purchased technology equipment and software with some of the funds, along with instructional supplies for teachers with some of the funds as well. When teachers express a need for supplies, we try to always facilitate their requests so they do not have to spend their own money on the classroom. These fundraisers allow for this and it is such a blessing!
We are working exceptionally hard this year to raise funds because of the coming split of CI with the opening of West Intermediate. When that happens, then the funds in the CI Student Activity Fund will be split as well. The same will happen with PTO funds this year. In both cases, the money in the accounts will be split by the numbers of students at each site. This means that the money in the accounts will be divided by the total number of students. Then, if for example, 350 students go from CI to WI, then the dollar amount times 350 will go with them. It is the most fair way to divide funds for each site. This is why we want to have a good amount of carryover funds in both our Student Activity Fund and in our PTO account. The fundraising we do this year will benefit students in both schools next year.
We truly appreciate all of your efforts this year. We will have a couple more fundraisers in the spring. It is wonderful that so many people are willing to invest in our students' education. If you have any questions about fundraising, or funding, please feel free to contact Mrs. Shaw.