Hello CI Family. As we begin this week at CI, I wanted to make you aware of how things will look after the tragic loss we faced on Friday. First, I cannot thank you all enough, especially those in the PTO, for managing and handling Monster Mash on Friday for our students. Given the way the day started, it would have been easy to cancel. Instead, our PTO took charge and made it happen and I am eternally grateful. The smiles and laughter of our kids made the day bearable for sure.
Mr. Hammontree's loss is far reaching. He touched so many lives in our district and especially in our school. Although he taught special education, he served in collaboration classes working with all students, so many children are experiencing his loss. Not only that, children realize the sadness of the staff of the school and in turn are sad. Grief can take on many forms in a child, and they may not show it at all at first. Because of this, we will again have counselors available for them tomorrow and as long as it takes to help them through this transition. The same is available for staff or anyone struggling through this loss.
The celebration of Mr. Hammontree's life will be this Wednesday at 2 pm at the Henryetta Church of Christ in Henryetta. We would like for as many of our teachers and staff to attend as possible. If you are available to cover for a teacher Wednesday, coverage will begin at 12:30 and go to the end of the day. You only need to be BEST trained. If you can cover, please email me at bshaw@bixbyps.org or call our office.
In my years as an administrator, this has truly been the most difficult time. But the outpouring of care, concern, and love has been felt by each one of us. Thank you to those who have reached out. Now we must care for one another, and the wellbeing of our students is our top priority. If your child is struggling but won't ask for help, please reach out. We are here for them.
Our goal in life should be to make our corner of the planet a better place, and Mr. Hammontree definitely achieved that goal. Thank you again for your love an support, it is truly a gift.
Much love,
Brenda Shaw, Principal