Please remember tonight is our Parent Orientation Night. It begins at 6 pm in our gym and will end at 7:15. We have a guest speaker who will talk briefly about cyber security, then parents will be released to go to classrooms and visit with teachers. We hope you will join us.
Beginning tomorrow morning we will have cones placed by the entrance of the asphalt entrance so that no left turns can be made. This will be the same in the afternoon. Our drop off and pick up has been going much smoother in recent days. Our times are getting better. However, when people persistently turn left into that drive, it causes the traffic to jam and slows up our process. It also delays buses and could potentially block emergency vehicles as well. Following the procedures, along with the instructions of the staff on duty, will not only speed up the process but it will insure the safety of our students as well. We appreciate the many suggestions received by parents, and we continue to search for ways to improve.
Finally, please see the attached link for our new CI t-shirt. Mrs. Howell, our behavior tech, is also a gifted artist and painted this mural in one of our stairwells. It is so beautiful that we wanted to share it with everyone! https://greatdaytobeaspartan.i...
As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our office. We appreciate your continued support!