Hello CI Families,
First, we hope that everyone is safe and will be protected from the flooding. We are truly concerned for those in affected areas. Our thoughts are with you all.
Second, we definitely did not plan to end the year like this, and we are sad that we didn't get to have an opportunity to say goodbye to our kids!
Because of the inclement weather days, we did not get to complete finals in some classes and we did not get to clean out lockers for many classes. It is very important that students turn in any textbooks they may still have as well so that they do not have a hold on their grades. So, we have scheduled times for students to come clean out lockers, turn in books, and get any band instruments they've left at school.
Wednesday, May 29th and Thursday, May 30th from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 - 4:00 pm, parents are welcome to bring students to school to clean out lockers, turn in books and get band instruments. Anything not called for by the end of the day May 30th will be either donated to the BOC or thrown away. We encourage parents to stop by the lost and found as well!
Since some students were not able to take their finals, we will be waiving those grades and final grades will be based on cumulative scores for the semester. If parents have any questions about grades, please contact me at bshaw@bixbyps.org.
Finally, because our sixth graders did not have their final awards assembly, any awards they were to receive will be available for pick up in the office on the dates of locker clean out.
We truly appreciate you all. Remember the summer lunch program will begin at CE soon, and the BOC will be available as well for those in need. If there is anything we can do to help any of our Bixby family please let us know. If we do not see you, please have a safe summer.
Many blessings,
Mrs. Shaw, Principal