Friendly Reminder. March 15 is an early release day. See you at 1:55.
6 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Early Release Friday
#ThankyouThursday at CE and we want to say thanks to Tamara Lancaster. Grandma to Kinder's Kruse and Addison for the jump ropes! We are starting our Jump Rope Ninja in PE and the kids are able to get a lot of practice on the playground. Thanks again Tamara.
6 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
3rd grade says thank you!
#What'supWednesday at CE and some of Mrs. Lane's first graders are sharing what they want to be when they grow up!
6 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Mrs. Eccles class was so excited when Mrs. Oklahoma International, Abby Goodman, stopped by and read to them.
6 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Mrs. Eccles Class
Mrs. Oklahoma International Abby Goodman
#TeamworkTuesday at CE and we just love seeing friends helping friends! Teamwork makes the dreamwork!
6 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Sweet friends
Helping friends tie shoes.
Heading to the playground
Playground time with friends
Playground time
"If your child is in first - third grade, they were sent home with an Art Square1 fundraiser catalog at the end of last week that has an access code and QR code attached to it where you can purchase items with your child's artwork from art class on it! Every purchase will help contribute towards buying more art supplies for more beautiful projects! If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Keeton at The deadline for ordering is March 26th."
6 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Square 1 Art is coming!
#MeetusMonday at CE and we are featuring another one of our amazing Kinder teachers, Mrs. Fehdrau!!
6 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Mrs. Fehdrau
In honor of Maintenance Appreciation Day, CE would like to say thank you to Denzil and all our Bixby maintenance crew for keeping our buildings and grounds up and running.
6 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Mrs. Ivey's class had mystery reader Mr. Miller pop by!
6 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Mystery reader Mr. Miller
Mrs. Ivey's class
Mystery reader
#Fridayfeels at CE and we are wrapping up Red Across America Week with snaps of our dress up days! Tropical day, dress your name day, stuffy day, class color day and sports team day.
6 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Dress your name day, Mrs. Eccles Class
Stuffy day Covey's class
Tropical day Jude and Zoey
Lexi and Meila
1st grade yellow, Nadia, Kylie and Brynli
2nd grade blue friend, Chayton,  Isiah, Theo and Kieran
3rd grade orange Owen,  Evie, Sampson and Bradley
Friendly Reminder...
6 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Early Release Friday
Asher will be handling all attendance calls for Mrs. Kerri today!!
6 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Mrs. Griffin's friends working hard on their art projects!
6 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Cherubin styling in his sunglasses
Way to go Logan
Logan working hard
Logan with Bobbie
Jaxsen working hard
Ollie working hard
We wrap up Read Across America Week and Friday is favorite Team Jersey day.
6 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Read Across America
#ThankyouThursday at CE and we are thankful for the HS FAC (Family and Consumer) students who came over to read to our kindergarten friends.
6 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Reading with FAC
Kinder friends
Welcome FAC
Let's go read
Reading with FAC
FAC kids from HS
Picking books out to read to kinder
Mrs. Robinson with FAC
#WhatsupWednesday at CE and the 3rd graders in Mrs. Covey's class are busy solving the puzzle of the day. Can you?
6 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Puzzle of the Day
Mrs. Covey's class
Mrs. Covey's class
Read Across America is in full swing and Thursday is Class Color day! Pre-K wear RED Kinder wear GREEN 1st Grade wear YELLOW 2nd Grade wear BLUE and 3rd Grade wear ORANGE
6 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Wear class colors day!
As Read Across American continues, Wednesday is Nick Name Day. Dress up in something that starts with the first letter of your name!
6 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Nick Name Day
#TeamworkTuesday at CE and first grade classes Mrs. Watkins and Mrs. Graves are working hard at learning math and English with some fun games!
6 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Counting coin games in Mrs. Watkins Class
Silent E scoot game in Mrs.  Graves class
Tuesday Mar 5th, bring a stuffy for Read Across America Week.
6 months ago, Bixby Central Elementary
Bring a Stuffy Day