#TeamworkTuesday at CE and we are heading down to PE where 2nd and 3rd grade classes are using teamwork to spell out words that describe a good team mate and using teamwork to cross the river!
It's Fall Picture time! Bring that beautiful smile to school tomorrow!
#Meetus Monday at CE and this is Mrs. Popp, one of our amazing 2nd grade teachers!!
OU or Texas, who you rooting for?
Want to come work with some amazing people, we would love to have you join us!
Let us know if you would like to be added to our Playground Helper list.
Mark your calendar and get those smiles ready, Fall Pictures are right around the corner.
Cheerleaders will be here tomorrow for spirit sales. Cash only and they will be in the 3rd grade and Kinder hallways from 7:30-8:00 am
Wear your Red White and Blue!
Friday Friday 11 is an early release day. The kids get out at 1:55, see you then.
#ThankyouThursday at CE and we would like to give a BIG thank you to Robinson Ranch for coming to school and teaching our kids about the farm and planting seeds.
It's Jumanji day as Homecoming week continues! Wear your camo or animal print.
#What'supwednesday at CE and our 3rd graders took a trip over to Claremore to visit the Will Rogers Museum.
Happy Fall Break, enjoy your long weekend.
Get those sandals and sunglasses out. It is tropical beach day!
#TeamworkTuesday at CE and it is a great time to TEAM up for reading buddies! Mrs. Morie's 3rd grade class and Mrs. Leete's Pre-K class get hang out together and enjoy some reading time.
It's jean day Tuesday Oct 8th.
Cheerleaders will be here Friday for Spirit sales. Cash only.
#MeetusMonday at CE and we would like to introduce you to our 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Bain.
Mark your calendar for fall picture day.