CE: Homecoming celebration reminder for tomorrow is wear your PJ to school, Tuesday:crazy socks, Wed.: hat day, Thursday: team jersey and Friday: Bixby Spirit wear

CE: Reminders—
*early release tomorrow
*Cheer and Dance team ribbons and Pom-Pom tomorrow— all for $1
Have a great evening.

CE: Tomorrow is early release at 2:45pm. Have a great evening.

Central Elementary: Friday (9/7) is first early release Friday. School will dismiss at 2:45pm.

CE: No school Monday due to Labor Day Holiday

CE Parent Orientation Thursday, August 30th. 530pm: PreK,K and 1st and 6:30pm: 2nd and 3rd in homerooms.
No school on Friday for teacher professional development

Car/Walk Up Dismissal videos: You MUST have your Student Transportation ID with you in car or walk up. It will be provided to the parent at Meet the Teacher from classroom teacher.
Student Pick-up: https://youtu.be/K282wSQw_VM
Parent Walk-up: https://youtu.be/xwOwOI_NfDo

Meet the Teacher Kindergarten to Third grades on August 15 from 9-11am

PreK Meet the Teacher THIS Thursday
AM classes: 5-5:45pm
PM classes: 6:15-7:00pm

New Parent Orientation THIS Thursday Night starting at 5:45pm

Just a reminder... Our Summer Meal Program is still serving until July 20th. http://5il.co/3svg

Our 2018-2019 Academic Calendar is available here: http://5il.co/3sf1

Welcome to our new Website!