#Fridayfeels at CE and we just want to show off some of our amazing friends. Whether it is helping each other tie a shoe , working together on fun projects or twinning on the playground, CE has the BEST!
Friday Nov. 8th is an early release day. See you at 1:55.
#ThankyouThursday at CE and 2nd grade is thankful for great weather so they could take their field trip to the Botanical Gardens!
Join us for our CE Veterans Day Assembly!
Here is the QR code to look at and order your school pics.
#whatsupWednesday at CE..... Smiles, that's what's up!
Get ready for class pictures and retakes on Nov. 12th
Parents... please join us for our district wide Multicultural Community Fair.
Please join us for Literacy Night at CE.
#TeamworkTuesday at CE and Mrs. Beach's class is working with their 9th grade Leadership reading buddies to make a banner for our upcoming Veteran's Day assembly.
#MeetusMonday at CE and we would love to introduce you to our resident cowgirl and 2nd grade teacher Ms. Rutherford!
#Fridayfeels at CE and Coach C turned her gym into a haunted house for PE. The kids had a spooktacular time!
More Halloween shenanigans and Mrs. Morie's 3rd graders are playing detectives by solving the Mystery of the Tricking Treat.
Friendly reminder parents..........
#ThankyouThursday at CE and we want to say a BIG thank you to Mr. Paul Linam who came in to teach fire safety to Mrs. Morie's class.
We love Rally Days at CE! Congratulations to all our award winners.
Wednesday got us feeling like we need to share some cute snapshots of Mrs. Engle's class. They received their dictionary's, They got rewarded for completing their book logs and are learning and solving problems the good old fashioned way... by having fun!
#WhatsupWednesday at CE and Mrs. Engle's class is presenting their Squiggle reports.
Class pictures and retakes are upon us! Mark your calendars!
We would like to invite our Central Elementary Veterans to our Veterans Day Assembly.