In case you missed it last night, click below to access information on All Things Pre-K 2020-2021! Also included is a follow-up with clarification on many of the great questions posed at last night's event! We will continue to communicate details via our website and BPS app as they become available!
Last call for BPS Food Drive items benefitting Bixby Outreach Center! BOC will be picking up these items from all school sites on Monday morning! Thank you, Spartans, for all of your generous contributions!
CE Spring Pictures
B-I-X-B-Y! Spartans, let's see that school spirit tomorrow with a social media post in BIXBY RED & BLUE! Snap a pic in front of your school, with your kiddo, etc. Of course, hashtag it! #psw2020 #publicschoolproud
Spartans, join Bridge the Gap for this year’s 2020 Sparta Gala! Tickets will only be available until March 15th or until sold out!! Last year’s event sold out quickly, so don’t delay if you'd like to attend!!!
What do you love about Bixby Public Schools? Let's hear it! #psw2020 #publicschoolproud
Looking for wonderful summer activities for your kiddo? Check out all that the Bixby Community Center has to offer! Click here for flyer:
Let’s see those quotes, Spartans. #publicschoolproud #wechoosepublicschool
March/April 2020 Newsletter PAGE2
March/April 2020 Newsletter
Let's turn Bixby RED for ED tomorrow in honor of Public Schools Week 2020!! We look forward to seeing all of our Spartans in their brightest BIXBY RED! Share your selfies with us on social media using the hashtags #PublicSchoolProud, #RedforEd, #OklaEd!
CE Fundraiser
Box Tops is going Digital
Our number of the week is 1,905, the exact number of students who have completed their 2020-2021 returning student registration! Have you?! This needs to be completed by March 6th! Check your e-mail for details and please contact our enrollment office with any questions!
The long-standing partnership between BPS and the BOC has impacted countless families! BOC is launching a new program this spring...Break Boxes! These boxes will feed entire families over school breaks as we combat food insecurity together! BPS will be hosting a DISTRICT-WIDE food drive 2/18-3/6 to help in this effort! See below for collection info by school site!
#nationalcounselorsweek CE edition! Thank you CE counselors for all of the support you provide for students and teachers!
CE - Valentine's Day Parties 2/13 & 2/14
CE-Tulsa Oilers Fundraiser
Spartans: We need to STEP IT UP to ensure our Bixby Spartans license plate goes into production! We currently have only 11 pre-orders on file! We need to increase that to 100 by May 1st! This is the last step of a long process to get these into permanent production! Grab your application form at!
Spartan Parents: Returning student registration for the 2020-2021 school year is now open! Please check for an email from "" If you do not see this email, please check your spam folder, contact us or visit!