Weekly Bulletin

Week of January 3rd - January 6th, 2023

Great Expectations for the month of January
Character Trait: Integrity - acting according to a sense of right and wrong
Quote of the month: "The time is always right to do what is right." - Martin Luther King Jr.
Focus: We will recognize every effort and applaud it.

Upcoming Events:
This week:
Friday, Jan. 6th --> no early release

Future Events:
Monday, Jan. 18th --> No School
*Interact wants new members! We are a service club sponsored by Rotary International. We meet the first and third Tuesday of each month during lunch in room E-18. We serve the community to make a difference; plus, we look great on college applications. Come check it out.

Upcoming College Representative Visits
Please sign up with Mrs. Webb in the counseling office or via email jwebb@bixbyps.org if you are interested in attending an upcoming College Representative visit. Location information for the visits will be provided closer to date visit.

Check the Visits Counseling Office website regularly. Additional visits will be added soon.
Please note that you are responsible for any classwork or assignments missed during these events. Many colleges and universities will have more than one visit per semester.

Cafeteria News
Breakfast and lunch are no longer free. Breakfast is $1.55 and lunch is $3.10

Senior 2023 information
Graduation will be May 17th, 2023

Parking Permits
Student parking permits can be purchased from the following: https://www.bixbyps.org/o/bixb...

Students will need to do the following to purchase a parking permit:
1) Must pay $15 for an athletic drug test on My School Bucks
2) Must pay $20 for parking permit on My School Bucks
3) Fill out Google Doc on BHS website... make, model and tag number of your vehicle
Once all 3 steps are complete, Mrs. Simic can issue you a permit. She's located in the Assistant Principals office, next door to the Attendance Office in the east hallway.

Also, a reminder that Bixby High School is a closed campus for all lunches and all students are expected to eat in the cafeteria areas. Further, students are expected to remain in those areas for the duration of the lunch period. Students SHOULD NOT BE IN THE PARKING LOT OR OTHER AREAS OF THE SCHOOL DURING THEIR ASSIGNED LUNCH PERIODS WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE OFFICE. If you arrive at school during your lunch period, you should proceed immediately to the cafeteria areas. Students in violation of these policies will be subject to discipline.

Tutoring for students
Evening tutoring is not available at this time. Please check back for additional information

If you would like anything added to the bulletin, please contact Allie Simic asimic@bixbyps.org