Congratulations to Bixby Public School's October Educator of the Month, Dr. Michael Stick from West Intermediate. Dr. Stick teaches fifth grade science. He works hard every day arriving very early every morning to get the day started in a way that makes learning science fun and exciting for his students. His students are constantly doing experiments and hands-on learning projects to ensure his classroom is one where kids can actively learn and grow to love the content. With his great experience, he has been instrumental in helping his team implement the new curriculum.
When the school opened last year, Dr. Stick saw an opportunity in the surrounding land. He brought the science teachers together, and they started talking about an outdoor classroom. From that discussion, Dr. Stick developed a vision. He brought in Boy Scout troops, held parent meetings, and put together a committee of parents to begin work on developing the project according to his vision. With the help of the committee, he has raised more than $30,000 and secured major donations toward the project. Dr. Stick spends weekends and evenings working on this project.
In addition to his curricular and outdoor classroom work, Dr. Stick also sponsors a leadership club at West Intermediate. With his experience as a novelist, he sponsors the Young Authors Club with fifth and sixth graders each year. They work all year before and after school to complete a novel, which is then published and celebrated at a book signing party. It’s an experience the kids never forget. Dr. Stick is a great teacher who is passionate and dedicated, which earns him a well deserved spot as an Educator of the Month.