BPS News

BPS families,

We are asking all families who MAY qualify for free/reduced lunch to complete this important application! Completing this application may create an opportunity for your family to receive meal reimbursements via the USDA!

Did you know that families could receive up to $6.82 reimbursement per child, per day for meals on distance learning days? This means full-time virtual families would be eligible for ALL school days!

In order to receive reimbursement, families must have a 2020-2021 Free/Reduced Lunch Application on file! If you think your family may qualify, you must fill out the application by June 30th, 2021.

BPS calls on ALL families to complete this application, especially if you may qualify for F/R status on meals. This status affects our eligibility for funding in our schools and each department! Everything from technology, student remediation, transportation, professional development for teachers, and even the district’s ability to receive grants depends upon the completion of these applications by families who may qualify!

Click below to:

Review Eligibility Guidelines

Complete the Application Online

If you need assistance completing this application, please visit our Enrollment Office at 7 E. Dawes, Monday - Thursday, 8 AM - 4 PM. We would be happy to help!

Thank you,