2020-2021 Enrollment & Registration

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Q: When can I register my current BPS student for the 2020-2021 school year?

A: Returning student registration will be open from January 27th - March 6th. Starting January 27th, look for an e-mail from “donotreply@bixbyps.org” to complete this paperless process online. Be sure to have your gas or electric bill handy to upload as proof of residency. We will notify families when this e-mail has been sent. Please check your spam folder if needed. You will need to complete an online registration for each child.

Q: I have a student who will attend BPS as a NEW STUDENT for the 2020-2021 school year, when can I enroll them?

A: New student enrollment for Pre-K & Kindergarten rescheduled for May 11th at 12 PM. Pre-K spots are limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis based on the timestamp. New student enrollment for grades 1-12 will begin May 22nd.

Q: Will there be an option for all-day Pre-K?

A: The structure for Pre-K at BPS for the 2020-2021 school year will be:

  • Three classes at each elementary school site. 
  • Two classes will be full-day and one class will consist of two sections of half-day for a total of 4 sections at each elementary school site.
  • This allows for a total enrollment at each site of 80 Pre-K students, a total of 320 district-wide.
  • Click here to access the slides and handout and from Pre-K Informational Night!
  • Click here to access the follow up on the above from Associate Supt. Lydia Wilson.

Q: Where do I go to complete enrollment online?

A: Access our website here: bixbyps.info/enrollment. The 2020-2021 links on the left will become accessible on the dates listed above.

Q: I would like to enroll in person, when and where can I do so?

A: Please arrive by 3:00 pm to have time to complete the enrollment process. We are located at 7 E. Dawes in downtown Bixby.

  • ONLY a legal guardian (parent(s) or court-appointed legal guardian) may/can enroll a student. Legal guardians must bring in a valid driver's license or a valid state-issued picture ID or passport

  • Enrollment cannot be accepted until all required enrollment forms are completed and required documents are turned in.

  • PLEASE NOTE: The enrollment center does not obtain your required documents for you. We only request a student's cumulative file from the previous school to be sent to their new school building after a student is enrolled, therefore you must bring in your student's required documents, such as birth certificate & immunization record, at the time of enrollment.


PHONE: 918.366.2340 OR 918.366.1706

E-MAIL: enrollment@bixbyps.org 

VISIT: bixbyps.info/enrollment