

Title VI is a federally funded program through the Department of Education operating within the Office of Indian Education in Washington, D.C.   Funds go directly to local programs to meet academic, social, and cultural needs, as well as college and career planning. All students of Native American descent are eligible to participate whose tribe is recognized by the federal government.   Eligibility does not consider income level.   Procedures for enrolling your school-age child as a recipient of the program begin with the completion of a Title VI Student Eligibility Certification Form (506), which may be obtained at the Bixby Enrollment services or a school site. This form must be approved by the federal program office prior to services.

Bixby Public Schools Title VI Program serves students who have a 506 Form on file. This program helps meet the educational, cultural, and academic needs of the Native American students who attend Bixby schools.

The Title VI and JOM programs are designed to assist Native American students by supporting access to programs that meet their unique educational and culturally related academic needs.

Services & Assistance

  • Tutoring in Reading and Math

  • College and Career Counseling

  • Summer school tuition

  • Academic/Cultural presentation and resources

Site Based Tutors

North Elementary

Beth Brady


North Intermediate

Judy Shipman  


East Elementary & Intermediate

Anne White


West Elementary & Intermediate

Avery Huntsman


Central Elementary & Intermediate

Andi Wilson


Bixby Middle School

Stacy Stout


Bixby High School/9GC

Tina Thomas


Enrollment Process & Forms

Title VI programs and services are available to all Native American Students with a Title VI Indian Student Eligibility Certification Form (ED 506 Form) on file. Completing this form provides students and families access to academic learning supports, higher education support and cultural enrichment opportunities.

 A "Completed" ED 506 Form must include:

  • Parent/Guardian signature and date.

  • Tribal membership verification from a grandparent, parent or student. Tribal verification consists of a Tribal card or Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB) belonging to the student, parent or grandparent.

  • You will need to complete a separate ED 506 Form for each eligible child.

Once received, you will receive a response confirming it was received.  Students will remain Title VI Eligible until they graduate or are no longer enrolled in BPS. You will not need to repeat this process every year. However, you are welcome to contact our office at any time to verify enrollment.

Step One: Fill Out the ED 506 Form Below


Step Two: Download & Save with Changes


Step Three: Submit Via Email with Other Required Documents

Please attach ALL of the following:

  • Completed ED 506 Form (PDF format).

  • Front and Back photo of Tribal membership card or CDIB belonging to a Grandparent, Parent or Student.

  • No photo of the back of the card is required if the back is blank.

Submit Via Email To:

Indian Education Program

ED 506 FORM (Complete, Save, Submit via Email)

Prefer to print the form? Click here!

Johnson O’Malley (JOM) Program & Enrollment Process

Johnson O’Malley is a federally funded program through the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office of Indian Education in Washington D.C.  Bixby Native American Education Program provides the operational support for JOM. Bixby subcontracts with Muscogee Creek Nation.  Funds provide academic tutoring, counseling, and cultural activities.  To be eligible for services under JOM, you must submit a copy of your child's Certified Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB) Card, or tribal membership card  Eligibility does not consider income level. 

JOM program eligibility requires students to possess their own tribal membership card.  Therefore parents and guardians are strongly encouraged to secure their child(s) tribal membership as soon as possible.

JOM eligible students and families are afforded access to academic incentive programs and cultural enrichment opportunities. 

Basic School Supplies for Grades Pre-K through 8th

With one of the largest Native American student populations in Oklahoma, each year Bixby Public Schools hosts an annual Indian Education school supply distribution event for eligible students at the beginning of the new school year. 

  • Students must be enrolled in the JOM program in order to be eligible for free school supplies.

To be included in the Bixby Public Schools JOM program please provide one of the following:

  • A front and back copy/photo of your child's tribal membership card.

  • A copy/photo of your child's Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB) if the child is 1/4 or more

Please submit to our office via email to:

Please attach:

  • Child/Student tribal membership card or CDIB (PDF or photo format)

  • No photo of the back of the card is required if the back is blank.

Once received, you will receive a response confirming it was received.  Students will remain on our JOM roster until they graduate or are no longer enrolled in BPS. You will not need to repeat this process every year. However, you are welcome to contact our office at any time to verify enrollment.

Parent Committee - Roles & Responsibilities

The Native American Programs are governed by Parent Committees. The Johnson-O'Malley program is designed and monitored by the Indian Education Committee (IEC). Title VI is designed and monitored by the Native American Education Committee (NAEC.) The Committee consists of parents of Native American students enrolled in Bixby Public Schools. Meetings are conducted four times a year. The involvement of the Parent Committee is vital to the administration of the programs. The Director and committees work together to meet the goals and objectives of the programs.

The roles and responsibilities of the Parent Committee are:

  • Establish the by-laws that detail responsibilities and authority in accordance with the Indian Education Act regulations.

  • Serve in an advisory/advocacy role to the Senior Executive Director.

  • Approve all program components and budgets.

  • Monitor program activities and budgets.

  • Ensure that the educational and/or cultural needs of Indian students are addressed.

  • Anyone who is interested in becoming involved with the Title VI program is encouraged to attend a Parent-Teacher Committee meeting. Meetings are held quarterly.