News Media Guidelines
Thank you very much for your support of Bixby Public Schools and the students and families we serve. Your coverage is appreciated, and it is our goal to help you with your job by providing timely and accurate information about the district. Bixby Public Schools believes in transparency and open, honest communication.
For access to school property, school sites, classrooms, buildings, and all other Bixby Public Schools' facilities, media members must seek permission through the District Office via our Director of School & Community Engagement. Generally, permission will be granted as long as the media member is accompanied by a member of our administrative team, and the reporting activities do not disrupt school activities, interfere with the privacy of students or staff members, and do not jeopardize the safety of students, staff members, or visitors.
Please review the following guidelines:
Our District Administration press releases via email about upcoming events, student recognitions and more. If you would prefer to receive the information in another format or if you do not currently receive releases, please contact us! See contact information below.
Our Director of School and Community Engagement is the first point of contact for media representatives covering school-related news, programs or events.
School employees and students may only be interviewed during the school day ONLY if the interview has been prearranged and coordinated with our Director of School and Community Engagement. This requirement is to ensure that representatives of the media do not disrupt the school environment or the health, safety, and welfare of students and employees.
All visitors, including members of the media, are required to check-in at the school office upon arrival.
BPS is committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of its students and their families. Some parents request that their children’s names and photographic images not be released to the public, and the district must, by federal law, comply with this request. Your cooperation is essential. (Family and Education Right to Privacy Act).
Photos and/or video of student faces is prohibited without permission. All images/video must be cross-referenced with our Media Permission Form completed by each student. We will assist you with this process when needed.
Media organizations are reminded that, in accordance with state law, businesses and agencies are responsible for ensuring that employees they send to work on school property are not sexual or violent offenders. (57 O.S. 589)
If you have any questions, please contact us! Again, thank you for your support of Bixby Public Schools. You provide a valuable service to the residents of our community and state.