Distance Learning procedures at BPS strive to ensure continuity of services. Students will mirror their in-person academic day at home. Students will engage in learning activities that both address academic gaps based on their individual needs as well as progress through grade level Oklahoma Academic Standards.
Students will be required to complete all coursework and feedback will be given. Teachers will be required to record at least one grade per subject, per week. To ensure access for all students, devices and/or internet access will be provided for students with a need.
BPS recognizes the value of in-person, relationship-based learning, acknowledges that distance learning is not intended to serve as a replacement but rather in times of necessity, can be utilized to continue academic progress. Students with an IEP who meet defined criteria may be able to participate in daily, in-person learning.
Distance learning will be implemented in the event of a school cancellation WHEN there is adequate notice to check out all necessary technology to both students and staff. In the event there is not adequate notice, Brick to Click may be implemented.

Menús de aprendizaje en español
Brick to Click: (n.) A quick pivot from in-person to at-home learning. A “bridge” between in-person and distance learning to allow time to check out necessary technology.
Scenarios: Snow Days, Limited-Notice Closures, Emergencies, etc.
Elementary & Intermediate: Grades PK-6
What will at-home learning look like in these scenarios?
Families will access materials in just a couple of clicks at: bixbyps.info/bricktoclick. From there no further technology will be required. Students will complete ONE activity per day from: Reading/Writing, Math, Sci/Social Studies, Specials.
Is an electronic device/internet access required?
No (other than to access the learning menu), however, teachers (technology permitting) may be available via Google Meet for optional academic support. Additionally, optional activities may be posted in Google Classroom as well. All required assignments will come from the learning menu.
Are assignments required?
Yes, however, teachers will be flexible related to giving credit for assignments.
What if assignments are too easy or too hard?
Parents should feel free to modify any of the activities, making them more challenging or less challenging as you see fit. Please encourage your student to read independently each day for pleasure and to write creatively (poems, songs, letters, stories, journaling, etc.)
How should assignments be submitted to teachers?
Students are welcome to write on paper, record on a computer, take a photo, and/or verbally discuss results with their teacher upon return to school. If accessible/applicable, students can submit assignments via Google Classroom/Email.
Will teachers be available for help?
Yes, via Email with optional Google Meets as well (teacher technology permitting). Teachers will communicate their detailed schedule/possible office hours with families.
Student To-Do List
Required: Complete one activity per subject on grade-level learning menu
Optional: Log on to Google Classroom to check for any additional activities provided by your teacher
Optional: Join Google Meet at the time(s) designated and communicated by your teacher
Optional: Read/write for pleasure
Secondary: Grades 7-12
As all secondary students have Chromebooks issued to them, Brick to Click does not apply to grades 7-12. All assignments will be delivered via Canvas, during Distance Learning. Students will follow their regular instructional day on an abbreviated schedule (core classes and electives/extracurriculars). Each period will be approximately 45 minutes with additional time as needed.