Teachers are encouraged to request funds for projects which emphasize new approaches to teaching and develop innovative programs that stimulate thought and expand the existing curriculum. Our application process changed beginning with the 23-24 school year. Please review the instructions carefully.
Each proposal should address:
High priority need for the project
Specific goals and objectives for the project
Target population
Specific benefit to students
Budget justification for requested funds
Evaluation to determine effectiveness of the project
The BEEF Foundation’s goal is to fund projects for which the school district is not already responsible (ie supplies and consumables). Projects that expand, rather than augment, current curriculum and impact a high number of students are a priority. Grant proposals are considered once annually.
Teachers may work as a team and apply for a single grant, multi-teacher grant, or submit a grant for the individual classroom. Proposals must be submitted on the Grant Application linked in step 2. No other external attachments may be submitted. Grant applicants should remember that grant readers may not be educators and should write accordingly. Grant recipients will be responsible for all financial records related to their project and will be required to provide a detailed project summary report.
2024 Grant Proposal Guidelines
All proposals are required to follow the established process for submission:
Applicants should schedule an appointment with the site principal to discuss the grant and ensure appropriateness and continuity within the building.
All completed applications must be submitted via the Google Form by Friday, September 27, 2024.
The site principal and superintendent will review and approve all applications.
Proposals will then be sent (with names redacted) to the BEEF Allocations Committee for review.
Once the Allocations Committee reviews and evaluates all proposals, a question and answer session will be conducted with each principal to further assist the committee in the ranking of the applications.
The Allocations Committee will recommend proposal funding to the BEEF Foundation Board of Directors for final discussion and approval.
The Foundation Board of Directors will identify proposal authors and notify principals and teachers of grants funded.
The Grant Summary will be due on Friday, April 11, 2025.
If submitting more than one grant, please rank them in order of importance.