Why Standards-Based?

Standards-based grading aims to make classroom grades more valid, transparent, and meaningful, ultimately providing an accurate reflection of how students are performing on a set of clearly defined learning outcomes. Until the end of a grading period, students continue to learn and improve their knowledge of these standards, hopefully achieving mastery by the end. Therefore, a student who struggles with new content early in the grading period does not become disillusioned. Rather, they draw on their persistence and resiliency to continue to learn so they can demonstrate proficiency by the end of the quarter. 

Our district’s vision is to be a place where every student has the power to learn, excel, and own their future. Standards-based grading is a tool which we hope provides more meaningful information to parents and students on how well we are meeting that vision. As with any new process, we will continue to refine and improve our models to meet the needs of our students. Please let us know if you have questions as we move forward with implementation with our third grade students.

Find additional information in our overview below and answers to some frequently asked questions HERE.

Haga clic aquí para acceder a la descripción general del programa en español.
