Who will be tested?

  • Grades 3 through Grade 8 - The Oklahoma Core Curriculum Test (OCCT), Criterion Referenced Tests covering the Priority Academics Student Skills (PASS)

  • Secondary Level - The Oklahoma Core Curriculum Test (OCCT), End of Instruction (EOI), Criterion Referenced Tests covering the Priority Academic Student Skills (PASS)

What is being tested?

  • Grades 3 and 4 Mathematics and Reading

  • Grade 5 Mathematics, Reading, Science, U.S. History, Writing

  • Grade 6 Mathematics and Reading

  • Grade 7 Mathematics, Reading, Geography

  • Grade 8 Mathematics, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Writing

  • Secondary Algebra I, English II, U.S. History, Biology I

How can parents help their children do well?

  • Encourage your child to take responsibility for homework and class study.

  • Praise your child for work done well.

  • Be aware of test dates; schedule appointments on non-testing dates.

  • Gather available test preparation materials.

  • Review practice materials with your child ahead of time.

  • See that your child is rested and eats breakfast.

  • See that your child arrives at school on time and is relaxed.

  • Encourage your child to do the best work possible.

  • Make sure your child attends school every day

Where do I find more information?



The Oklahoma Core Curriculum Tests (OCCT) are standards-based criterion-referenced tests with results reported in terms of performance levels.
The levels are:

  1. Advanced: Students consistently demonstrate a thorough understanding of the knowledge and skills expected of all students at this grade level

  2. Satisfactory: Students demonstrate a general understanding of the knowledge and skills expected at this grade level.

  3. Limited Knowledge: Students demonstrate a partial understanding of the knowledge and skills expected at this grade level.

  4. Unsatisfactory: Students do not demonstrate at least a Limited Knowledge level of the knowledge and skills expected at this grade level.

OPI Score - Oklahoma Performance Index is a scaled score that places students into one of the four performance levels


Raw Score - the number of questions answered correctly; this score is the basis for all other derived scores

Scaled Scores - represent approximately equal units on a continuous scale; scale scores make it possible to compare scores in a given content area from one form to another and from one level to another; they are not equivalent from one subtest area to another or from one type of test to another.

Percentile Ranks - percentile ranks range form a low of 1 to a high of 99, with 50 denoting average performance; they are useful obtaining a students relative standing in comparison with other students in the same grade, taking the same test at a comparable time; percentile ranks do not represent actual amounts of ability; they are not equal units along the scale

Stanines - stanines are normalized standard scores; they indicate a students' relative standing in a reference group, the stanine score ranges form a low of 1 to a high of 9, stanine scores of 1, 2, and 3 are usually considered below average; stanines scores of 4, 5, and 6 are generally considered average; and stanine scores of 7, 8, and 9 are above average; stanines represent approximately equal units of ability

Normal Curve Equivalent (NCE) - the NCE is a normalized standard score with a mean of 50. The score is often used to enable test users to manipulate the data algebraically; the NCE has a direct, fixed relationship to percentile ranks

Grade Equivalent - a score that represents the typical performance of students tested in a given month of the school year; the scores range from K to PHS, where K designates Kindergarten and PHS represents Post High School. The score ranges in between are given with a numeral to the left of a decimal and to the right of the decimal. The numeral to the left refers to the grade for which the performance is typical; the numeral to the right refers to the school month of the year

Example of GE - if a 3rd grader received a GE of 5.9, this students score is about the same as what a typical 5th grader in the 9th month of school would have been had they taken the third grade test


The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) are a set of standardized, individually administered measures of early literacy development. They are designed to be short (one minute) fluency measures used to regularly monitor the development of pre-reading and early reading skills.

The measures were developed upon the essential early literacy domains discussed in both the National Reading Panel (2000) and National Research Council (1998) reports to assess student development of phonological awareness, alphabetic understanding, and automaticity and fluency with the code. Each measure has been thoroughly researched and demonstrated to be reliable and valid indicators of early literacy development and predictive of later reading proficiency to aid in the early identification of students who are not progressing as expected. When used as recommended, the results can be used to evaluate individual student development as well as provide grade-level feedback toward validated instructional objectives.

Bixby North Elementary assesses Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade three times a year; fall, winter, and spring. Data from the assessment helps teachers plan activities to improve students' reading skills and proficiency.


Compared to other children, your child's age, how many of these descriptors fit your child?

Reasons well (good thinker)

Has extensive vocabulary

Shows compassion


Has a long attention span (if interested)

Has strong curiosity

Has high degree of energy

Has a wide range of interests

Concerned with justice, fairness

Is a keen observer
Has a vivid imagination

Is highly creative

Early or avid reader (if too young to read, loves being read to)

Learns rapidly

Has an excellent memory


Morally sensitive

Sensitive (feelings hurt easily)

Perseverant in their interests

Prefers older companions or adults

Has a great sense of humor

Judgment mature for age at times

Tends to question authority

Has facility with numbers

Good at jigsaw puzzles

If your child exhibits at least half of these characteristics, you should consider having your child tested to see if they qualify for participation in the Bixby North Elementary Explore Program.The Otis Lennon School Ability test serves as an identification screening for the gifted education program. Students at Bixby North Elementary are tested according to the following schedule:





2nd grade

3rd grade

1st grade

2nd grade

3rd grade


Students new to the Bixby district

All 3rd grade students unless parents opt out of the process

All 1st grade students unless parents opt out of the process

Students new to the Bixby district since the August test date

Students new to the Bixby district since the August test date